In this video, Eckhart taps into what inner peace really is and how actually the world can’t make you happy. The world with its situations or people doesn’t have the capacity of making you happy, [More]
Eckhart explores the concept of self-esteem and how it relates to spiritual awakening. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: How to have healthy self-esteem | Eckhart Tolle Teachings Want to watch and hear [More]
The ability to observe non-judgmentally what goes on inside you depends on your level of awareness. In this video, Eckhart discusses our primary purpose – to awaken into the new consciousness that is evolving on [More]
The habit of reducing the present moment to a means to an end is something deeply engrained in our society. Are you ever present in what you’re doing… or are you just doing these things [More]
In this video, Eckhart delves into the two fundamental types of knowledge: conceptual and intuitive. While both are necessary, in modern society we have over-valued conceptual knowledge, leading to an epidemic of compulsive thinking. While [More]
Are you critical of your appearance? In this video, Eckhart discusses the value of physical appearance, youth, and learning to identify with your presence as years go by. Old age may bring changes in your [More]