Australia Retreat, 2015: An empowering talk that can be used nowadays on balanced attention to both the actions we take and awareness itself as the pathway to becoming what Eckhart calls “a full human being.” [More]
Recorded in Oslo, Norway, Eckhart discusses the primary purpose of a spiritual retreat: to transcend our conditioned ways of thinking and being and begin to usher in a deepening of human consciousness. Subscribe to find [More]
Challenges are necessary for the evolution of consciousness. In this video, Eckhart explains how consciousness can help us to overcome challenges and difficulties in our lives. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want [More]
Speaking in Belfast, Ireland, Eckhart traces the awakening of human consciousness from the inception of the ego to life after the realization of our essential nature. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want [More]
Enjoy a very special experience in this meditation by Eckhart that has been combined with Hemi-Sync® audio to slow your mental chatter and help you increase your awareness between Eckhart’s words. If you want more [More]
Eckhart exposes the roots of imbalance and suffering, pointing to a life of mastery where we dwell simultaneously in the dimensions of “being” and “becoming.” Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to [More]