#quotes #quoteschannel #deepquotes #successquotes #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes Welcome to our channel, where we honor the profound wisdom and timeless teachings of Lao Tzu, the ancient Chinese philosopher and author of the Tao Te Ching. In this [More]
https://yd.freereadpdf.club/?book=1611807247No other English translation of this greatest of the Chinese classics can match Ursula Le Guin’s striking new version. Le Guin, best known for thought-provoking science fiction novels that have helped to transform the genre, [More]
330 views Premiered 6 hours ago♂️ Want to meet Acharya Prashant?Be a part of the Live Sessions: https://acharyaprashant.org/hi/enquir… Want to read Acharya Prashant’s Books?Get Free Delivery: https://acharyaprashant.org/en/books?… Video Information: 23rd Advait Learning Camp, 2.2.16, Shivpuri, [More]
The Urge: Fall of a Stoic: https://einzelganger.co/urge Let’s explore Taoist views that could help us to let go of a stressful, insane world. Video: Lao Tzu – Lao Tzu’s Secret to Stress-Free Living Support the [More]
A curious Taoist sage, Lao Tzu, was aware of the human quirk of getting so lost in intellectual prisons that people forget the natural way. And so, they force and strive, swimming against the stream, [More]
no fixéd plans no intentions to arrive yet, a traveller writer of verses springing from a superficial self words jerk out in an tongue strange to me. words paint confusions of mind no fixéd tracks [More]