You’ll uncover layers in yourself you didn’t know existed. By “getting clear” on what’s really happening inside of you, you’ll be accessing those deep places that are secretly running the show and forming new realities [More]
For thousands of years, humanity has fought over who and what God is. But what if it’s none of that, and our beliefs about God are creating the chaos and suffering we’re seeing in the [More]
In today’s video Neale Donald Walsch shares this single most important truth that would change life on this planet forever. It would change the way we treat each other and perceive each other. If we [More]
Every now and then I get to interview a fascinating guest about an amazing topic. This time it was about why we are here on earth and the reason for existing. Wow, now, that is [More]
1 Naturally born genious; prodigy.2 Perfection.3 The most eminent, pure, intelligent, gifted form of the human mind and being. neal definition by Urban Dictionary