#NealeDonaldWalsch #ConversationsWithGod #LawOfAttraction This What God Told Neale Donald Walsch during His Conversations With Him. For More Information On Neale Donald Walsch Please Visit: http://www.nealedonaldwalsch.com/ Thank you for visiting: 🏠https://thehouseofmanifesting.com/ 😫Need help clearing a subconscious [More]
The New Revelations provides us with the tools to move forward, to pull ourselves out of despair, lifting the whole human race to a new expression of its grandest vision.
Heartbreak. Something I know to much about. Thinking you would never break my heart. But sure enough you did with out a doubt. Heartbreak. What i wish to leave behind. So here I am flashing [More]
My love for you burns me up. Helps me out by opening the door I shut. I use to cry because I was depresses. Now I cry for the happiness you help me shed. You [More]
Sorry I’m so sorry I’m lazy: I don’t do dishes even though it’s “my day to do them.” I let my laundry pile up until the air is stale with sock funk. I “fill” the [More]
Schamet Horsfield interviews Neale Donald Walsch (Author of Conversations with God) about his thoughts about the Goddess, the healing of the divine feminine and masculine, the awakening journey, and schamet asks Neale to share his [More]
Love Crying so much One day it’ll past Giving so much Wishing it would last Having the time for him And calling everyday Going out on that lim Then he takes it away Why are [More]
D-ying to live. A-nxious to die. N-ever feeling better. C-an’t see the light. E-veryday I DANCE with DEATH Tiara Neal http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/dance-6/