दोस्तो इस पेज/चैनल/ Website पर मैं जो कुछ भी अपलोड करता हूं वह content होने के साथ साथ जानकारीपूर्ण भी हैं। विडियोज बनाने का मकसद जानकारी पूर्ण स्वस्थ मनोरंजन है, इसलिए अगर आपको मेरे चैनल [More]
Ram Dass bring us into the intersection of social action and self realization, pointing clearly toward the path that allows us to become instruments for the divine music of Service. This excerpt of restored footage [More]
Ram Dass opens a very honest dialogue around the paradox of human suffering and how we can work with it in our lives. This uncovered gem is from a talk given in 1979 at a [More]
Ram Dass shares stories of miracles and talks about truth, relationships, and how some dualistic methods can help us straddle the thin line between chaos and cosmos. Listen to this podcast ad-free and support these [More]
Recorded live at our 2024 family gathering in Boone, NC – Ram Dass of the past speaks on The Bhagavad Gita and reads from The Holy Bible, then Nina Rao and Spring Washam give some [More]
Start your morning off with this rare gem of a morning meditation, It was originally recorded at The Spirit of Service Workshop at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY on 6/18/1986. We hope it guides you [More]
In this rare talk from May 3, 1990 [Chicago, IL] Ram Dass gives some insightful, hilarious and sobering takes on multiple topics including the mythical 60s, the challenging 90s, self-identification, ethics in regard to wealth, [More]