Ram Dass uses the channels on a television as an analogy for different levels of consciousness
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What does love have to do with impermanence? Mirabai Bush leads Ram Dass through a series of questions, beginning with a quote about death and the miracle of life from the late John O’Donohue. Ram
How do we come home to love? How do we develop self-compassion for our own predicaments? Duncan Trussell brings up a big question – “How do we deal with the small day-to-day issues in life
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1980’s. Ram Dass gives lecture on internal and external suffering. He says that resisting our suffering creates more suffering for ourselves and for other people. We need to practice listening, and to observe the way
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Special webcast about Hanuman in the Ramayana and his journey to Taos, NM. See the new Hanuman Mandir, under construction in Taos, and help to complete this next phase of construction by donating at http://bit.ly/nkbashram
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