Read Now [PDF] The Harvard Psychedelic Club: How Timothy Leary Ram Dass Huston Smith and Andrew WeilRead Now [PDF] The Harvard Psychedelic Club: How Timothy Leary Ram Dass Huston Smith and Andrew Weil
Beginning by quoting several sacred texts, Ram Dass explains how we begin with our belief in dualism as we seek non-dualism. He discusses growing to enlightenment and sharing purification through working on ourselves and our [More]
A discussion around the concept of Dharma, or one’s path in life. We may go to great lengths to avoid our path, but our inner voice continues to bring us back. When we eventually commit, [More]
Read Now [Download] The Harvard Psychedelic Club: How Timothy Leary Ram Dass Huston Smith and Andrew
Read Now [PDF] Love Service Devotion and the Ultimate Surrender: Ram Dass on the Bhagavad Gita [Download]
Ram Dass leads a spacious meditation focused on Awareness. Like leaves floating on a river, allow your thoughts and sensations to arise, exist, and move on. Cultivate the Witness, as you rest in the Awareness, [More]
Read Now [Read Book] The Harvard Psychedelic Club: How Timothy Leary Ram Dass Huston Smith and Andrew
Welcome to WisdomFilms, a new genre in contemplative, life-enhancing media. We offer these short films as a way to stop, take a breath, and come home to yourself, restoring balance to your mind, heart, and [More]
Read or Download Here [PDF] Ram Dass Audio Collection: A Collection of Three Ram Dass Favorites–Conscious Aging