What is life? Do you game for life? Or because you run from life? What is reality? Whats our purpose for life? Is God exist? Do you know theres hidden agendas behind those who made [More]
An energy that connects all life, the Force is featured in “Star Wars” to try to awaken spirituality in the franchise’s viewers, George Lucas says.
The Trixie & Katya Show S01E06 Spirituality
16 Signs a Spiritual Awakening is Forcing You to Transcend December 12, 2016 by Breanne Katherine spiritearthawakening.com This Article: http://www.spiritearthawakening.com/spirituality/manifestation/soul-intention/signs-your-spiritual-awakening-is-causing-a-stir ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Subscribe to the Higher Self YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/HigherSelf1111 PayPal Donations Welcome. Click here: [More]
Sagittarius 16-28 February 2018 Love & Spirituality reading – IT IS TIME FOR YOUR MAGIC! ♐ ☆ You can find all of the Decks I use in my videos and also Decks I use for [More]
Don’t fancy another term of Merkel? You’re in luck! We’ve found three of Germany’s alternate underdogs in this September’s election. You might want to review their policies before voting though.
Religion tells you the difference of good deeds and bad deeds. It talks about paap and punya. To leave the bad and grasp the good knowledge. Spirituality tells that liberation is beyond this bad and [More]