Documentary about Kim Wilde, focusing on the year 2002. This presentation is brought to you by
The next step in your personal transformation! Journey into an incredible spiritual terrain unknown to all but the most adventurous seekers. In The Journey Beyond Enlightenment, internationally-acclaimed author and “spiritual warrior” Stuart Wilde will show [More]
Documentary about Kim Wilde, focusing on the year 1997. This presentation is brought to you by
The next step in your personal transformation! Journey into an incredible spiritual terrain unknown to all but the most adventurous seekers. In The Journey Beyond Enlightenment, internationally-acclaimed author and “spiritual warrior” Stuart Wilde will show [More]
Watch this short video for all you need to know about how to get what you want in life. Need more from Stuart Wilde including books, lectures, meditations and app? Visit these sites: Official site: [More]
Stuart Wilde, author, lecturer, is one of the real characters of the Self-Help, Human Potential Movement. His style is humorous, poignant, and transformational. Affirmations by Stuart Wilde, is not just a collection of nice words [More]
Dernières répétitions au Théâtre de la Colline de “C.33”. La pièce, écrite par Robert BADINTER, et dont le titre rappelle le numéro de matricule d’Oscar WILDE en prison, retrace l’histoire de la chute de l’écrivain [More]