Challenges as a Pathway to Conscious Evolution | Awaken Your Inner Light FREE Video Mini-Series #3

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Join Eckhart for a new 4-part video series to discover what it means to be the light of the world in the face of growing challenges and to learn how you play a pivotal role in the conscious evolution of the planet and universe.

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In this episode series we’ll look at:
​- Understanding the truth of why you’re really here
– How to manage fears and egoic thinking in this time of increasing challenges
​- Your state of consciousness and why it’s of primary importance
​- Shifting your focus from “out there” to “in here” and creating better outcomes

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Eckhart Tolle is a spiritual teacher and author, born in Germany and educated at the Universities of London and Cambridge. At the age of 29, a profound inner transformation radically changed the course of his life. He devoted the next several years to understanding, integrating, and deepening that transformation. With his international bestsellers, The Power of Now and A New Earth—translated into over 52 languages—he has introduced millions to the joy and freedom of living life in the present moment. The New York Times has described him as “the most popular spiritual author in the United States”, and Watkins Review has named him “the most spiritually influential person in the world.”

Eckhart’s profound, yet simple teachings have helped countless people around the globe experience a state of vibrantly alive inner peace in their daily lives. His teachings focus on awakening consciousness, which transcends ego and discursive thinking, and can be seen as the next step in human evolution. In the awakened state of presence, we discover what Eckhart describes as our essential identity—who we are beneath the surface—and its power for transforming ourselves and our world.


Kimberly says:

His little chuckle is the best! What a sweet humble man!

Carmela Leyva-Grueter says:

We evolve and then we die. What's the point?

sil lava says:

We love you Brother Quniverse Alliance Australia
I am you and you are me.

Roxana Andrews says:

It is true that we live in fear if we identify with the ego, by staying in the present moment is the best coping mechanism to deal with any task at hand

Jonnattan Barreiro says:

Buen video, haz uno en español Eckart! Saludos!

Linda Strauss says:

Excellent teaching ❤️

Samuel Kill says:

I love listening to this man so much, he instantly puts all the junk in my head into perspective…

J M says:

It begins at 14:30

Ana Saldaña says:

I should have seen this video two days ago when I lost presence and got in the grip of my angry neighbor jajajajaj the truth is I completely got controled by my angry ego and made an enemy just like ET described it here….. Lets find out what will happen next time… THANK YOU MR. ECKHART TOLLE you have completely changed "my life".

harrie houtman says:

2020 was indeed predicted, even planned.
covid and especially fear as a wheelbarrow for restricting freedoms and introducing restrictive legislation.
As part of a long-in-preparation global totalitarian regime.
Our salvation to freedom lies indeed in the area of ​​personal liberation and regaining our inner strength as a people. Thank you Eckhart, all.

Conscious Community says:

This is everything. I’ve made to a place of peace for concerning challenges. My internal environment is pretty stable now. Because of this deep knowledge of self.

Gisela R. says:

Vielen Dank, für das tiefsinnige Video, ich mag diese Videos,weil man sich dadurch viel mehr Gedanken macht, über Gott und die Welt und sich selber. Alles hat eine Geschichte, ohne diese zu kennen, versteht man es leider nicht, aber dadurch würde vieles verständlich.🙏🧚🏾

kandice bella says:

I knew this was coming down the pike , and have been sharing such on here and social media. They're many that can see the writing on the wall. The same MO concerning the spanish flu. Nothing more than a reset for their NWO. Worked like a dream in the past. Won't farewell this trip.

Lin Ggg says:

ET has no wrinkle lines..this comes from the way he leads his life no doubt..maybe not a lot of worrying 😉🙏

Mikiyas Alemayehu says:

Thankyou so much Eckhart!!! ❤
🌻To All ❤Ethiopians and Ethiopian Oriental Orthodox Christian❤ brothers and Sisters Happy New Year and Happy Holly Cross day🌻

Our time will return soon!!! 2 years left!!!We were the great and we will be the great!!! Untill that… as always we do accept it as you have choosen it🌻
❤❤❤ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ❤❤❤

Karsten Haug says:

Relevant and most important message, thanks

Carpenter Family says:

Make it your primary concern that you’re responsible for your state of consciousness first.

Carpenter Family says:

15:53 How do I face the external situation ?
What action do I take ?
Be aware of your state of consciousness.

Carpenter Family says:

14:16 Our greatest challenge comes from the inside, from our conditioned minds.
. . . The fear is produced by your thinking, not by the situation.

Lélia Carneiro says:

I am very very grateful to you.

Darlene DeVegan says:

I am praying for your health. You seem different lately. I hope you're okay.

Darlene DeVegan says:



Greta Navarauskaite says:


Monica Yarleque says:

Muchas gracias Eckhart, just what I needed 🙏

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