China’s Plan to Reincarnate the Dalai Lama

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Music by Graham Haerther (
Audio editing by Eric Schneider
Motion graphics by Vincent de Langen
Illustrations by Kate Willært
Everything else by Evan

This includes a paid sponsorship which had no part in the writing, editing, or production of the rest of the video.

Music by Epidemic Sound:

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  • Categories: Dali Lama


PolyMatter says:

In case you missed it, my 30-minute Nebula Original video about Macau is out now. Sign up now to CuriosityStream to watch it:

Study with Erisa says:

Aw sh sorry man I forgot my papers 🧍🏻‍♀️

plague doctor says:

2:15 he say the n word

Black Devil says:

Where is the fucking sounds

sciure sci says:

It's all bs anyway. They're essentially calling out buddhists.

Fleeb Flobb says:

Buddhist monks aren’t celibate by religious mandate. This isn’t Catholicism. They can have kids. My root guru has kids and grandkids. But reincarnation is a different thing.

haoran huang says:

How about native Americans? What did white peoples do to them?

Bill Clinton says:

CCP regulating religion just goes to show how low they are willing to go to.

The_Real_Look_Behind_You says:

Jesus keeps respawning in China as a girl during the 1 child policy so to this point his taken a break :/ the Dalai lamas respawn point has yet to be specified / identified

steven Hansen says:

How freaking absurd! That is just bat shit crazy thank goodness the lama pretty much spoon feed them back to bash their forced religious control. I think being a woman born outside of China or just ceasing to reincarnate probably threw china officials into multiple coronaries lol. I think he should appoint a child before he crosses, to pass the spiritl or soul of the lama. That way, the extremely crazy Chinese officials can have absolutely no claim at all to the spiritual leader. He/she needs to continue because not only do the tibetan Buddhist need him/her the world needs this spiritual leader in this time of crisis!

Kizza Kasule says:

Jesus promised this world that when he goes to Heaven he will not come back but he will ask his father in heaven to send us the helper or the Spirit that reveals the truth about God in heaven and my question is Dalai lama as a spiritual leader, Jesus Christ was talking about and can Dalai lama reveal the truth about God in Heavens?

Widjiro says:

so tibetan society is like avatar aang

yabaishiawase says:

In a world where people are either pro china or anti china. I appreciate that you cover the good, the bad and the ugly

GFT says:

i should say there is no "new plan", just follow legal procedure in past hundreds years; could you pls introduce the procedure instead of making a new one??

John Chorny says:

Wouldn't be prudent; not going to happen. Enjoy the games. #BeijingGames

hashtagrogue245 says:

ch*na is evil and its government must be eradicated.

Yakub lala says:

Chinese have been waiting fir this moment since 600 A.d 😂😂😂😂😂🏹🏹🏹🏹

Malaysia Chinese Anti CCP says:

CCP is Satanist

浅笑 says:

All I can say is that the author is someone who has never lived in China.Almost half of this reading is self-conceived.He doesn't understand China, what the Chinese think.

H. H. says:

11:08 This statement implies that the US congress recognizes any Dalai Lamas, or that it's recognitionis at all relevant.

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