Choose the reality you wish to experience. – Neale Donald Walsch #manifestation #mindset #quantum

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Sacha says:

I love this man's way of speaking..❤

ricgunz says:


Arkadiusz Sadowski says:

To many asks in a row occured while failing the upload

Rosellia Zafe says:

Agree🙏🏻 i am a multi millionaire i strongly believed that🙏🏻❤️🌹 and extremely healthy💪

Brain Rush says:

Tax officer: You haven't paid your taxes.
Neale: You have all the taxes you want…you just aren't experiencing them.

Meenu says:

Thankyou god ❤thankyou universe ❤

Zina says:

I want 20 million dollars, please.

Nota urabissanista says:

Yeah but which one of “ me” on other dimensions isn’t wtc


What you if you have sick evil people reading your every thought and plan and are always there to make sure you don’t succeed?:

Catalina Paris says:

I call Forth by Faith and Believe A Life of peace❤Love❤Joy❤happiness❤Success❤Gratitude❤Money❤Miracles❤healing❤Riches❤Abundance❤Prosperity come into my life now and glorify Thy Father through me Amen Amen Amen❤❤❤

Mick Healy says:

when you get older and are not mind bound by a religion you recognise the truth of what he says

Diane Fraser-Bell says:

Really? Does that include all the people that starve to death get killed on a front line children who suffer illness or abuse??? Absolute bullshit

keleshia Harris says:

I am a multi millionaire 💖 I am a money magnet 🧲 I am rich 🎩🪄 abracadabra so mote it Be 💖✨🙏🧲💖 money money come to me in abundant three times three 💖✨ everyone read my post 📯 will be a millionaire as well.Thank you God the creator 🙏 Thank you universe 💖✨ peace, love, light

Lee steele says:

Im a rich single mum an im going to do great things..

Valèry says:

So many ignorant people in the comments, yes just feel the reality and you’ll experience it. Clowns 🤡 😂😂

George Badillo says:

Jesus fill’s all Things Ephesians1:23 anything else is just an illusion, deception.

Aaron Barnes says:

🤨"why is everyone saying the same thing, I've been trying to manifest Shit for years, every since I was a kid, my parents couldn't afford big Tonka truck toys, always hoped and wished to manifest"😅" didn't get Shit until Christmas, my parents purchased that"🤷,🤨" is everyone manifesting for everyone to say the same THING "!!! Damm,!!!!, 🤨" It ain't happening FOR-ME"!!! 😁 And I'm good people" 🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷"!!!

Bernie Bedford says:

Okay! Why I don't see it in my bank account.

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