Communion With God – An uncommon Dialogue By Neale Donald Walsch Part 1 of 3

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Part 2 of this book

Communion With God – Page 1 to 31
In this blueprint for seekers, Walsch reveals The Ten Illusions of Man–the misconceptions we hold about ourselves, our world, and our God. Now, with the final book in this incredible series, we learn how to take the ultimate step towards communion with god.
Here is the link to a free PDF format of this book

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MsDichotomy says:

Thank you Neale for introducing me to God . It is the greatest gift ever given to meπŸ™πŸΌ

Shawn Sanborn says:

Nothing has ever vibrated so cleanly. It feels like truth to me like nothing else ever has. So different than the judge mental cult some one else commented on.

Lg Beauchamp says:

Greatly and masterfully done! I just read the entire Bible and it made me feel very ill. Being a Christian is being in a judgmental cult…literally. This audio made me want to cry and scream with overwhelming joy! Thank God! God is good!

beshtar says:

all roads lead to God πŸ™‚ blessings to all and thank you , may love be our guide, love to all that is

Urban Lady says:

Thanks but could you reload it without the plinky planky background music? It makes it too painful for me to hear otherwise.

Jennifer Romans says:

Can't listen music too loud


Thank you ! For uploading πŸ˜„

Uriel Garcia says:

Thank you for uploading these videos !

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