Compassion and Non-Violence

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s talk on Compassion and Non-Violence followed by a question and answer session online from his residence in Dharamsala, HP, India on August 18, 2021 organized by Labsum Shedrup Ling Korea.

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Night Candle says:

Why we have different contents uploaded in your Chinese channel.

kingthongus says:

Fake religion, don't not follow false idols.

Brian Parchamento says:

Such Beautiful People & Wonderful Hearts

Ronny Rudeboy says:

What can we do for those who blindly fall in to Samsara and dont want to hear liberating message of wishes fulfilling Dharma?

Tenzin Samdup says:

Long live his holiness the 14th dalai lama

linus arthur says:


Tilak R.Pun says:

Namo Buddhaya 🙏
Namo Dhammaya 🙏🙏
Namo Shanghaya 🙏🙏🙏💕💕💕

Dieter Kieltsch says:

hi dear.. hope you are good!!
(Talibans are against Vaxx.. maybe we should move to Afghanistan (not all ppl listen to liars like Fauci there are more Doctors in world who say truth and dont have an Agenda).

(can not move to Afghanistan bc my Afghan friend said alcohol is forbidden.. hmm I thought we make heaven on earth and if those ppl read the Quran there are rivers of wine. )

anyway.. Pakistan moved also in but i evangelized all ppl eccept the chineese female students. (had no opportunity)

+++ lets do righteousness to Moses: Moses had visions and spoke to the Lord face to face and Moses had a live experience also in which the Lord showed him His back.

Moses had faith in Jesus and never offered for himself bc Moses had Jesus but for the others he gave the laws. Moses had a Midianite and forbid it to others and when someone asked ……Moses placed the law into their face so they became lepros. (and Moses could heal them from stupidity always blaming Moses by placing the eyes on the cruzified snake. (symbol of Christ who became sin)

the law came through Moses but Grace came in the form of a person …. Jesus. (Grace is higher than the law bc He is SON and the other one is just a servant. (to a King (God) the prince is higher as the servant of the Prince)

Giuliana Urru says:

Thank you for this precious opportunity…

Jordan Huguet says:

He's not holy, he's hellbound. Jesus is holy.

Học Pháp Như Lai says:

Nam Mô Bổn Sư Thích Ca Mâu Ni Phật

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