Compassion and Technology

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama joins in two discussions on “Robotics, Telepresence and Artifical Intelligence” and “Sickness, Aging and Health” at De Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam, Netherlands on September 15, 2018.

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Trident Gameing says:

Just make them for our help and that's all

Trident Gameing says:

I still care about that girl yup she is doing great work but why need to care about colour, light and other things that relate to beauty just focus on comfortable hands that helps you more and give more comfort

Paweł Fornalski says:

przecież ten pajac przyjął technologie z tlenkiem grafenu w szczepionce, także oczywistym jest że wspiera transhumanizm, kolejna kukła

Lover Boyz says:

Dalai Lama is originally from Tibet not from india this fellow indian guys are mad whenever they saw popular person they always say they from india.

kage .U says:

also wenn der nicht pedo vibes wirft

hung ta says:

Nam Mô A Di Đà Phật

HighTemplarTreant says:

When they hire Dalai Lama for an ad you know its not just an ad. This is literally transhumanism propaganda.

manjeet singh says:

Years ago i had already prioritized compassion towards all creatures & humanity also rather than my nationality, religion, cast, creed.
so that Now i can say i will be more happy to be more compassionate if i be able to continue do so. Thanks all.

manjeet singh says:

If you scientists by chance create any youth, health making drug (without side effect) & if he's alive until then then Heal his Old brain function first & ask questions later about whether he want to experience longevity also or not ? With his healthy brain he will be able to tell exactly what a happy human really wants in life if they have these longivity, healty chance. Should we take it or not or who should take it.
Meanwhile here…..
They ask something, he answer different. again they ask different question, he reply another thing. clearly he's brain not better due to his age. But as per his best understanding and global more close human touch experience he more often repeatedly explaining that you can go with any growth, dream but must not leave behind compassion, selfless responsibility for oneness as humanity rather than nationality or my religion, your religion.

P.R. Gaipadik says:

Spain: kekekeke
Russia: xaxaxaxa
Dalai lama : xexexexexe

Shoryam says:

1:10:32 sister there is no creator , no god existed … because if creator existed then who create him. if you will see christian mythology and islamic mythology it says that god is neither be created nor be destroyed. if god is not created then why you re not accpeting that there is no creator exist…

Shoryam says:

why any lama dont take nirvana why the reborn again again…

Sky theInfinite says:


Choenyi gurung says:

every time i watch his holiness the Dalai lama its just give me an optimistic and blissful vibe

Sir Olaughalot says:

I like video games and peace, does this make life easy?

Chill Science says:

We are nothing but grains of sand in the space of time.

just4all1 says:

Dalai Lama looks like a dumbass lol

Andy says:

Imagine the grip she can generate with those hands.

Cheenu Nats says:

if i may be allowed ,people of faith and no faith – has no meaning. faith has no meaning – truth does

fang_s97 says:

Is he still in indai ???

WeWeG07 says:

I think technology is a beautiful thing and it should always be put at the service of the human being and not on top of him

WeWeG07 says:

Creo que la tecnología es hermosa siempre que se ponga al servicio del hombre y no por encima de el

Eddy Curb says:

Best thing in the struggle against boredom is walking meditation(kinhin) + music. Trust me. It's the best thing i've found in this world. Tell about it everyone.

turboterps says:

fake. talking about taking the vaccine. Ok old man

Jon Habash says:

Moved me to tears, there is indeed hope 🙂

ram gurung says:

waste of time ……………..

AK-16 NOVA says:

1:01:36 too many people Indians , wow – am i overthinking or he just targeted Indian population

grindedfranz says:

cringelevel 1000…

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