Compassion – The Answer for Today's Troubled World

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama gives a short talk on Compassion – The Answer to Today’s Troubled World followed by a question and answer session with students from several Indian educational institutions by video link from his residence in Dharamsala, HP, India on July 29, 2020.

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Joe Hunter says:

We humans want peace but the government doesn't

lee victory says:

Thsnks for sharing,顶礼达赖活佛!顶礼莲花生大士!顶礼宗咯巴大士!南无阿弥陀佛!


Compassionate Metta

symbioswarm says:

I like how he's calming us down by saying this could be an indication of the end of the world, and that somehow it's working.

tej Lama says:

Thank you very much his holliness dallai lama for your knowledge sharing to people

AL ART says:

Mr 'Lama" has understood compassion up-set-down. Compassion cannot be practiced. It is not a discipline. It is not manageable. Compassion is far beyond him and his understanding. I am happy to challenge him at anytime.

abhinavagupta acharya says:

Love the dalai lama hes a hero

Tenzin Sonam says:


Mark Anthony says:

The Dalai Lama is the human that has achieved the level of perfection in Tibetan Buddhism . In Tibetan Buddhism, desire is seen as the cause of all the evil in the world…so why does the Dalai lama desire that Tibet be free? While his sentiment on compassion is a good one, I separate that from his spirituality because his spirituality is self contradicting. Instead , I believe what Jesus Christ taught, that the need for compassion arises from the sinful acts of fallen humanity and that Jesus Christ's life , death and resurrection is the only hope for changing the sinful human heart to a compassionate one. Jesus left his place in glory and came into our world to die for our sins and make a way for us to be with God…that is the ultimate example of compassion.

urgen lhamo says:


Its Sangmo says:


Eddie Kianana2014 says:

Mr. Dalai lama, you and all these intellectuals can talk, all you want, about harmony and compassion, but such talks will not bring harmony between divided religions. What are you doing about the atrocities of Indian government against Muslims, violence is a reality that manifest from violent human beings, which is fact, you have been talking about these things like compassion and harmony for last 50 years or more, has your talks have affected humanity, these talks will not affect human mind if you or someone else talk for thousand years, the reason is that word compassion is the real thing. But if you and all these so called expert intellectuals talked and investigate the greatest problem that prevents compassion and harmony, which is the "self" and the conditioned mind that we all have, including you. A person who is conditioned in any religion cannot have compassion, because being anchored in a belief naturally separates people, that's why world is in such a destructive mess. Mr. Dalai Lama you have met so many leaders, who are criminals, war criminals have you affected these politicians, or they have used you to fool people to keep their control of their power?

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