Confidence and The Source of True Satisfaction

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Eckhart directs us to the source of true satisfaction in life, ours to discover when we access aware presence and give up the compulsion to think. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life:

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Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most original and inspiring spiritual teachers of our time. He travels and teaches throughout the world.

Eckhart is not aligned with any particular religion or tradition, but excludes none. His profound yet simple and practical teachings have helped thousands of people find inner peace, healing and greater fulfillment in their lives. At the core of his teachings lies the transformation of individual and collective human consciousness – a global spiritual awakening.

Eckhart Tolle is the author of The Power of Now, a #1 New York Times Bestseller, which has been translated into 32 languages and become one of the most influential spiritual books of our time.

In his most recent book, A New Earth, he shows how transcending our ego-based state of consciousness is not only essential to personal happiness, but also the key to ending conflict and suffering throughout the world.


timothy george says:

Realizing that what I'm looking for is what is looking

Liora Binyamin says:

This is the time of Trust wisdom. This Trust is linked, for me, with love of Nature. Eckhart, for me, recalls us to this – trust & love.

BTW, I really hope that after this period, many many will stop to eat animals

Naturalw's says:

Eckhart´s videos are better at 1.25x speed

Musiclover says:

I wonder why most school systems are based upon putting stuff in children's heads… has it's purpose but it lacks a lot….it is all part of our evolution……what we lack grows stronger

76 7 says:

What I really prefer is that eckhart do not present himself as a guru with a special kind of habitus and a group of followers. I don’t have to watch him or don’t have to do anything to satisfy him or a group, it all comes naturally. There are so many groups there outside with a master which makes me really uncomfortable. I don’t even have to say i found him, the ego got no grip on him.

Kenneth Carvalho says:

He makes perfect sense..

Anthony Smith says:

I once heard someone say, ""As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Martha Woodworth says:

How does he talk about basically the same thing every time, and yet is always multi-faceted and fascinating? Maybe because there is no end to the NOW.

Daniel McKenna says:

How can there be 122 people anywhere who dis "like" this talk?

Carolyn W says:

Was the entertainment David Blaine??

saurav kumar says:


My name is saurav kumar. i am from Prayagraj, uttar pradesh, India. I was looking for some way to contact Eckhart, but couldn't find any specific way, and so thought to draw your attention towards something by commenting here, which i noticed while going through the Hindi translations of the books The power of now, as well as A new earth.

The translator has worked very hard, no doubt in that, but still, i felt a little confused as to why didn't he chose the day to day wordings of Hindi which we use everyday in our daily life, instead of the old traditional words of Hindi, which are a mixture of devnagri, sanskrit and hindi, which are now rarely spoken.

Eckhart tolle, while writing the power of now, or the new earth, he too, could have used the old traditional heavy and weary English words which were used in England and america around 100 years or at least 50 years ago. the English words he has used, are the simplest words, the most commonly used words, even small children can understand what those words mean.

One more thing, Eckhart is an enlightened being, the way he has written the Power of now and other books, only he can write that way, because of his unique perspective. But the translators are not enlightened, no matter how good their translation is, still they would not be able to convey Eckhart's message in the way, it should be.

The best way in which these books can be of help to the people, would be, that while translating them, the simple, daily spoken words should be used, instead of words which are rarely spoken, so that, even people with not much education can read and understand Eckhart's profound message.

If there is a way to tell Eckhart about this, then please try to convey this message to him.

thank you.

Musiclover says:

He always has the right words for something I feel to….. but can't express it…a bit frustrating but it is all part of our growing proces…….Thank you Eckhart

Соучастник says:

He is tired. Give me the strongest master of meditation

robbiepeterh says:

After his shift, Eckhart spent a lot of time at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in the 80s talking with Ajahn Sumedho about enlightenment. If you like Eckhart, I’d recommend looking up Ajahn Sumedho’s talks as the two are very similar.

Ryan says:

If suffering helps people become aware, a person should not teach another person how to escape suffering? Can you point a person in the right direction only when he's ready to see reality for what it is, or, what if they want "solice instead of a solution"? If someone asks me about spirituality, since I don't actually know, would it be wrong to refer Eckhart Tolle?

Frank Adrian says:

Just come across this, very inspiring.

Mary Ann Knox says:

Mind over Matter

Jéssica Dalcin da Silva says:

With aging, some people can cummulate stupidity too. 😅

Space Stig says:

Meaningless drivel.

Sam Cooper says:

They inhale pure Oxygen from a compressed tank before going into the water. Anyone can hold their breath for longer if the do this with a little practice!!! O2

Jiselle Singer says:

A truly conscious person doesn't read the comments section while listening to Eckhart Tolle 😅😁🙏🏽💭

Reinier van Herk says:

It is very strange when you think about it that the full awareness of "being" itself is so very elusive to humans.

here now says:

Come , adore this wondrous presence,
bow to Christ , the source of grace .
Here is kept the ancient promise of Gods earthly dwelling-place,
Sight is blind before Gods glory,
faith alone may see his face .
Glory be to God the Father,
praise to his co-equal Son,
adoration to the Spirit,
bond of love, in Godhead one.
Blest be God by all creation
joyously while ages run.
Thomas Aquinas

roy york says:

Trusting our " Silent Mind " which is an Ocean of Possibilities, and is Undivided. Rather than Thinking in Words, which is always Divided. The Particle and the Wave. peace 🎼🎧🎼👌

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