CONSCIOUSNESS – A conversation with Deepak Chopra and Stuart Hameroff

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Description: Deepak Chopra and Stuart Hameroff take an in-depth dive into the science of consciousness.*

Stuart Hameroff, MD is a physician, Professor of Anesthesiology and Psychology, and Director of the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona in Tucson. In medical school, Hameroff became interested in intelligent behavior of microtubules, protein lattices within brain neurons and other living cells. Hameroff developed theories of microtubules as self-organizing molecular computers, and teamed with Sir Roger Penrose on the controversial Penrose-Hameroff “Orch OR” model of consciousness. Based on quantum computing in brain microtubules, Orch OR connects brain activities to the most basic level of the universe — fundamental spacetime geometry at the Planck scale. At that level, Penrose has proposed Platonic information guiding or influencing conscious choices and perceptions. Orch OR could be seen as providing a plausibility argument for non-locality and spirituality. Hameroff is also involved with clinical trials of transcranial ultrasound (TUS) for mood and cognitive dysfunction, and co-organizes the biennial interdisciplinary conference ‘Toward a Science of Consciousness.’


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THE CHOPRA WELL is dedicated to inspiring, fun, and thought-provoking videos about healthy living, wellness, and spirituality. We are anchored by doctor and author Deepak Chopra, as well as family & friends, who aim to provide you with tools for personal and social transformation. We deal with some “serious” topics and themes here, but we definitely don’t take ourselves too seriously. We encourage you to watch a few videos, engage with us and fellow viewers by sharing comments, and subscribing to show your support for our channel. We have several new videos every week, so come back soon!


John Doe says:

You can see Hameroff laughing inside when he hears Chopra’s BS.

Jordan Johnson says:

Although I am a complete novice when it comes to any aspect of science. I
think Hameroff is wasting his time associating himself with Deepak Chopra.
One is a scientist who clearly takes his work very seriously and the other,
Chopra is a propagandist of New Age theology who latches onto the work of
people like Hameroff in an attempt to add credibility to his own beliefs.

In regards to Near Death Experiences. If you haven’t heard of the work of
Michael Persinger I would recommend checking it out – He has proven how
Near Death Experiences can arise from Geomagnetic Fields which stimulate
certain areas of the brain thus causing the brain to experience
hallucinatory phenomena. He came in an interview with Alex Tsakiris of
Skeptiko and explained that a flat EEG in Cardio arrest with a lack of
blood flow to the brain doesn’t necessarily mean that there is no activity
occurring within the brain and that you would have to stick electrodes very
deep inside the brain to even detect any type of activity that is going on.
There are extreme exceptions in Near Death Experiences where an individual
has seen things whilst in this state of inactivity which they possibly
couldn’t have known about. Interestingly Persinger’s research associate
Todd Murphy who is also a neuroscientist appears to be a lot more open
minded and thinks that occurrences such as Remote Viewing or Out of Body
Experiences in some circumstances may very well be a real phenomena.

BeHisLikeness says:

When we make movies it is man’s attempt to recreate… wait until we actual
start creating “real” universes

BeHisLikeness says:

The consciousness uses the braIn… it is not the brain

meta tron says:

Has anyone come across how long it would take for the quantum energy to
dissipate after brain function ceases? They discuss it while talking about
NDE and why it might be that some individuals have residual memory after
technical death.

Vroom Xavier says:

we are living in a matrix

leon scott says:

Man tries to find God in all different ways. We try to come to God through
manifestation, religious tradition, science, and so many other things.
But I believe that God came to us so that we wouldn’t need to do all of
that…. I think we are not powerful and pure enough to stand before God,
but I believe that God has come to US as a man instead to meet us, and walk
with us, and save us.

Ich Nichtdu says:

Qualia = Priming. Question solved.

Alec S says:

As a fellow Indian, you make me darn proud Deepak! 

nancie pacetti says:

Everything is energy and the frequency of that energy either uplifts or
pollutes this planet…

Bryan Hall says:

*sigh* so this is why Stuart Hameroff gets shot down by the Science
community. Not bashing Chopra here, but he should stay away from the
science community fight of arrogance, he’ll only get shredded by hard-core
classical science because it doesn’t fit their empty dissprovals of
anything else different that gives anything to a thought of a spiritual
(non material) meaning. Sooooo that’s why we have Hameroff I guess. Roger
Penrose is one crafty devil to pick Stuart as his other half, pisses off
hard core materialists even more I think. I respect Deepak but feel sorry
for him of everyone assuming him as a quack, just because he dresses the
science words with his liking.

Roger Bushell says:

Life’s experiences can be very strange. For those of us with an awareness
of thing’s a tad above most other people’s conceptions of how the mind
works, can lead one to question one’s own mental stability.
I am a natural lucid dreamer and throughout my life have encountered no end
of strange occurrences both within sleep and waking consciousness, but one
of my most sought after answers I seek is to do with voices in the head.
After over sleeping my early morning alarm call I heard the gentle whisper
of a female voice calling my name. That gentle whisper made me sit bolt
upright in bed, it was just as if an un authorised person had entered my
bedroom to stir me from my slumber.
Over the next few weeks this played on my mind, as I tried to come to terms
of how a seemingly external voice could encroach on my consciousness, but
was the voice external or was it within my mind? A few weeks later I once
again over slept my alarm clock, and once again I was awoken from sleep by
the gentle whisper of the female voice calling my name , this time however
I was dreaming at the time, and I was aware that the voice was not from
within my dream and did not come from within my head, it was one hundred
percent external. How on Earth could this be

huntertony56 says:

if are souls have quantum entaglement what is are souls entaglement
tooo!!???im so confused

Norman Ball says:

Hameroff (11:50): “Roger tends to shy away from anything in the spiritual
or religious realm.”

That’s smacks a little of scientific parochialism or superstition. Shy
away? What, from Chopra’s terminology that is admittedly freighted
with religious lineage/ baggage? Use your own terms then. Don’t dodge the
phenomena for fear of being mistaken for being ‘religious’.

BeHisLikeness says:

But the neat thing is that both are “recreating” that rose from different

thepartygod says:


queenofhearts4022 says:

Haha I love deepak he reminds me so much of my dad.

Adam Powell says:

It’s sad to see Hameroff associate with this charlatan.

GenXFuturist101 says:

Given the timeless & nonspatially constrained nature of the mind & what it
can experience as a reality (whether can be proved “real” or not) & the
factual reality of telepathy (if you have not experienced it & insist on
denying the reality of it, that is your personal shortcoming as yet), I
found this conversation to be interesting. It didn’t appear to come across
as intending to provide any scientific proof of anything so I simply
enjoyed it. :-)

BeHisLikeness says:

So simply said, we are created in the image a God. We are God in
manifestation as a holographic image of Him.

CsiMoN AnDeRSoN says:
juana sanz says:


rudy8278 says:

Think of the human mind as the host of a cosmic radio. It is a mechanical
set with cosmic reach.

Jacob Hohn says:

That is a nice jacket.

al magallanes says:

My understanding is: Our consciousness is our immortal self. As perceived
by quantum physics, the physical material reality is a kind of illusion.
Nothing is really solid. In the quantum level, all matters are made of
atoms which are basically particles of energy vibrating in certain
frequencies. Our bodies are not solid in the strictest sense of the word.
Solidity is merely an illusion. What is real may be only consciousness
manifesting itself like an energy in the quantum level. Consciousness may
be viewed as the all pervading reality of the cosmos that exist like a
medium as a whole but broken into infinite realms. We are part of that
reality and manifesting in this physical realm. What makes this physical
realm is its distinct vibrational frequency. 

TheBull06 says:

the guy with the beard is a nut

Tangerine Farmer says:

Do people with Alzheimer’s disease permanently lose their consciousness?

James Rodriguez says:

Quantum Consciousness, seeing the world like a humanoid. 

Irene Becker says:

Great conversation about conciousness between +Deepak Chopra and Stuart
Hameroff, MD is a physician, Professor of Anesthesiology and Psychology,

Srinath Rao says:
nebsterism says:

we r pulled from the more complex state future, makes sense to have the
singularity there.

rudy8278 says:

Think of the universe as a tree: constant growth until it dies, then it
decays back into the grounds of Being.

jagara1 says:

Philosophers and the religious have puzzled over conciousness for centuries
and yet the debate continues…

Alejandro Amador says:

How can I increase my conscious moments per second ?

Curio Sity says:

Con man

Luke Chaha says:

The only honest answer to the question to the question WHY is I DON’T KNOW
WHY / AND NOBODY KNOWS WHY every person who pretends to know is a idiot by
definition! This two idiots are incredible arrogant charlatans. I prefer
the philosophy and knowledge of any hand reader more then this two
absurdity fast talker.

Mohamed Taha says:
Duncan Morgan says:

Man I wish Hameroff would stop meeting up with this guy. Though I do wonder
if Stuart really wants to be around him.

karaool says:

I despise Deepcrack Zhopa as much as anyone, what with his leaving his wife
for a sexy babe and becoming a sort of New Age guru and capitalizing on
“Spirituality” in a big way. But you’ve gotta hand it to him as a
interviewer; very relaxed and spontaneous and a font of interesting
comments and information from both parties. A genuine conversation.

huntertony56 says:

why aren’t quantum computers conscious???!!!PLEASE HELP ME OUT

Bob Nietzsche says:

Learn more abot consciousness ~~► go to TruthContest◙com and read “The

Mark Rushow says:

He paints an interesting picture but it is just creative thinking based on
known science. Take something you know and imagine around it. 

Mitrofan Groznyi says:

The hard problem of consciousness has been solved a few years ago in a very
elegant way. We are elastic holistic holograms embedded into our brains.
And our Universe is also a hologram embedded into the higher dimensional
space. We are living in the multidimensional holographic world. This is the
only possible solution.

quantaforge says:

Something that came into my orbit

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