Conversation With God Book 3 Neal Donald Walsh

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неизвестный писатель 1981 says:

basically god hates cowards , and he created them just to let them experience hell. what a great god

Stella Kay says:

Praise these works! This is indeed God sent. I want more and more of this!
Thank you for sharing this
to everyone as it was intended to be. 🙏🏼

He LoKey says:

I still can’t believe this hasn’t reached the masses..three books and still this is like a diamond in the rough! Great material!

Liberty Chick says:

I listen to these when I go to sleep. Even though not hearing the whole thing it still gets in and helps me find answers…

Ghizlane s says:


Dawn Bern says:

My daughter introduced me to [audio] Book 1 a few weeks ago, and I found myself ravenous for this material since then. I just finished listening to Book 3 here … and when I say finished , I think I should qualify that I may never be finished. I do feel like all three books are material that I will come back to over and over again. In fact I plan on starting Book 1 over again today 🙂 As with many great works,
I am sensing that I can better see "a way of being," truths, love, and beauty…all from within. Truly these words must be gifts.

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