Conversations on Compassion: Eckhart Tolle, spiritual teacher and author

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Conversations on Compassion with Dr. James Doty and Eckhart Tolle, spiritual teacher and author hosted by CCARE at Stanford University on February 12, 2013.

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Michael Stryker says:

For the *whole truth*, the big picture of life:

*> Go to TruthContest♦com and click “The Present” <*

jah rastafa says:

every human being is part of Jesus Body, So lets take care of it, and
leave with love and peace.
stop the manipulation,


Jens Larsen says:

There is one *truth*, one *life.* And you must know it to transcend the
animal realm you are a part of:

*Go to Truthcontest◘com and click “The Present”*

ShakinJamacian says:

I used to assume that Tolle was a new age mumbo jumbo sage of sorts,
spouting nonsense.

However, after entertaining ideas of ego and the idea of an “eternal” now
from late philosopher Alan Watts – who I personally think explains these
concepts better than Tolle – I can absolutely see where Eckhart is coming
from. And he’s absoutely right on. Time is always and only now, and while
we can look back and imagine forward, we should not be doing so that
disempowers the things right in front of us. I think that’s Eckhart’s core

Jonathan Rios says:

Eckhart Tolle is Satan the Anti-Christ

Elyse O'Connor says:

Peter Nielsen– Regarding your commentary about Money motives. My mind is
jumping in here saying—
“Peter, write a book about how to live without money in the year 2014….I
think Tolle has done that, full tilt. Not easy, but it can be done. 🙂
Right? Yes, greed is a label. Now what?

Amy Helm says:

Being present is important. Present AND focused on the atrocities that are
occurring on our planet RIGHT NOW and if you live in America- in your
name!!! As you remain in the present, just don’t conveniently forget what
is constantly being done TO you and TO others. These are very old
teachings that (that have helped people to one degree or another) but are
merely being brought forward again for public consumption as they do work
beautifully well at keeping the spiritually inclined (because they fear our
power since they exist ONLY out of fear) PASSIVE, while
war/genocide/atrocities are being exponentially amped up. As always- take
with a grain of salt and use discernment. In my opinion- he is a behavioral
entrainment specialist…..CIA/MI6 or higher. When shit gets really bad,
they always bring these “spiritual” teachers out touting: be still, be at
peace, be passive, don’t resist ANYTHING (tyranny, etc…) , don’t fight,
just accept that everything is as it should be- REALLY???? All the war and
genocide and pedophilia and rape is as it should be????? Really? No-
really, “just be silent.”

Peter Nielsen says:

Ok, let me, for those of you who wish to understand, cut it out in paper:

My basic question is about the following contradiction: why, Tolle, are you
always, in your speeches, advising, urging people to live in the now, in
the present, as:

1. If you, Tolle, create this universe (which you are doing if you are
seeing all kinds of entities here, including the people who pay you for
your speeches), it means that you create the past. This universe is time
and time is past. If past is not included in the present, then why are you
urging people to live (in) the present while not living in the present,
yourself? In other words, if your creation of this universe, which is the
past, is NOT included in the present, then this must mean, that you are
living in the past and not in the now. How can you then advise or urge
people to live in the now if you are not living in the now yourself?

2. If, on the other hand, the past, which you, Tolle, is creating all the
time, IS included in the present, then it must mean, that everyone who
listens to you, is already living in the present, therefore there is no
point in urging them to live in the present.

Your ONLY way out of this, Tolle, is to claim, that thought is not
attachment. That your creation of the universe does not make you attached
to it because you are realised and therefore know, that time already is
included in the now, BUT if I put a knife through your leg it freaking
hurts, doesn’t it, Tolle? Or if I suffocate you, your body dies, right? In
other words: thought IS attachment.

There is no way around the fact, Tolle, that your very performances here,
your speeches, are self-contradictive. This should be clear now.

Fine, I have no problem with hypocrites, I am a big hypocrite myself as
well, but I am honest about it. I just want you to be honest about it, too,
as you, not being honest about it, are misleading people here, seducing
them, confusing them.

There is NO way around this fact!

I just wanted to say. Tolle does this for money. The above written CLEARLY
proves it.

I wish everyone a good day – but please know Tolle’s true purpose of this:
selfishness, strengthening of his ego :)

Thanet Taout says:

I would like to do an AGE survey of people watching this video.

cschaeferful says:

Has anyone here that is bashing Tolle ever actually tried to be in the now?
Have you ever been anxious and stressed out then tried to concentrate on
your breathing, look around and just be alive? Well, say what you will,
but I experienced it the other day. in the time it took for a stoplight to
change, I was able to give myself some relief. The relief was so great, I
almost cried.All I know is it worked for me. In all the time you waste
debating his theories on time,and whether or not he is making money you
could be doing something to relieve your own stress…

sunshine gallegos says:

the nuero science of compassion…….BROTHERz and

Michael Mitiszek says:

Sometimes dreams come true and a beautiful swollen pussy comes along
opening the gateway to hell, by sitting on to your face. But there is a way
to break free:

Ken Johnson says:

Tolle is so simple. No belief is necessary. No dogma. No analysis needed.
No need to buy his books. He suggests a few things you might like to try.
If those things don’t work for you that’s ok. And if you have a problem
with him you can just turn him off and keep searching for a private unique
truth. Could it be any simpler?

Mr Pregnant - Atelston Fitzgerald Holder 1st says:

Spirituality seems to dwell on the non-materialistic attributes of
existence, a connection to the intangible being or the nature or essence of
a man. A divine sacred embodiment or liturgy connection with the
intangible, a meaning to life, one that transcends beyond worldly interest,
an intrinsic joy, unity, acceptance, significance or personal rapport with
the universe.
Or an external divine intervention that predicates the narratives of life.
A complete vaguely inexplicable mumbo-jumbo gibberish that’s contingent on
the subjectivity of ones delusion.

Written By: Atelston Fitzgerald Holder 1st

horizon says:

age 6. wow. thats higher level challenge than i had at six. appreciation to
eckhart. he must have been a lot more aware and mature than i. i was more
in an ignorant bliss. i had suicidal thoughts at like age idk 10-12 maybe.
i liked that he could laugh about it. i thought “yes theres no pain being
projected, i want to cultivate that, i think people should be separated
into 2 groups pain and without, and the painful can slowy enter the
painless, i feel like thats the agreement creation always has.” really want
to inner and over stand how to let go of the addiction to attachment and
fear or how to be with and transform and integrate it. to focus on healing
cultivating and mastering our relationship to ourselves which underly
everything. to a state of limitless, fearless, integral, unconditional
loving, i feel like that need to be the only game in town, the priority of
the everyones focus and energy. i feel like we need a list of the deep
primordial beliefs that we may have and analogies to know if u have it
installed or what variation or to what degree. to give people tools and
map out all the possible causes of fear and slowly make it mainstream to
take the reigns ourselves. to be aware of the neurosis,the virus of fear,
guilt and shame that prevents unified world peace and bliss. i dont know
the role intellect or logic has really. because i think all we need is
attention. logically its my relation to myself, ahh, they are me, my
relation to them is to me if i see them in that way, ? sigh. confusing. we
also need updated therapists which empower. thats what it is the world
needs, or at least i do “empowerment”. logically i can press the reset
button and go for things with the best version of empowerment i can in the
moment. i guess thats what i should do, and also to make sure to be present
and not to have expectations. and ill be happy because my subconscious or
ego is like im living life. hmm i guess i have to admit that perhaps i
havnt been living life but let myself know that there is nothing wrong and
is not cause for concern. we need to let go of concern. i need to act for
that is what i have avoided. i dont have much of a sense of self, and i
need external things and people to validate my existence. the physical
manifestation of what my ego wants is a girlfriend, a home and garden and
nearby farms, following my excitement and to realize trust being taken care
of the universe and see everyone as family, so has to feel uninhabited to
reach out. part of me says i know they are programs and beliefs that ive
picked up and conditioned with, but i think i should go after those things,
there still somewhat of desires, there there. and it can be hard to reset
from my perceived view of lack and not worthy after a long time of seeing
in that cells and brain crystallizing that way after long time so
guess i gotta be aware of that so as to have more patience when changing
myself, to learn to love which seems hard logically or with the mind and
not externally, i guess thats shows are relation, our dependents and
fogginess of connection. shows where im at. so based on my state perhaps i
should go through the external until ive absorbed enough of myself that
way, i suppose thats the only way, perhaps u cant really think your way out
of it. 

Henry Stradford says:

Conversations on Compassion: Eckhart Tolle, spiritual teacher and author

Michael Mitiszek says:

It is not impossible to evoke a mystic experience! (quod erat

George Jayasuriya says:

If you would like to know what spiritual awakening is then please watch
this video.

Peter Nielsen says:

Tolle, if I may ask you the following:

1. Truth is within people. Your words, speeches, can never give people the
2. If everyone gets to know truth, then what? The whole of humanity gets
realised – and so what?

In other words, I am asking: why are you doing this, your speeches? Money?
Fine! I just want to know if you have something to offer this world or you
are doing it for your own sake. I am selfish too, no problem. I just want
the truth. If you, Tolle, would please answer this question.

Thank you.

Vegan Feeling says:

NOW that’s Great! 

Sophie barthélémy says:

thanks!!!!!! how lucky we are to have possibility of listening Eckhart’s
teaching .

Subashini Fernando says:


Elyse O'Connor says:

I agree Peter–if we are to be present, living in the here and now, we
limit ourselves to that. I’m wondering now what gets created out of that
space of the moment is some ultimate agenda of some ultimate consciousness?
And with respect to money I remember the old saying: Easy come, easy go.
Like Lao Tsu’s proverb: Man (woman) is but a hallow reed through which
experience passes.” So be the reed and watch what happens. But be

Ricardo Brenes says:

For some of us Eckhart’s experiences sounds very familiar. The best of all
was his wonderful transformation. Excellent interview, highly recommended!

asmith20707 says:

This is one of the most clear, well explained, jargon free, practical, easy
to understand talks on the subject of what was once a seemingly mystical
thing called enlightenment practised by eastern gurus. Eckhart has made it
all completely accessible right here right now. Thank you Eckhart for being
the brightest of shining lights and for all the people who made this happen
and shared it with the world.

Emma Pitman says:

Changed my life this videO. Eckhart Tolle is so beautiful he saved me I was
my worst enemy , I appreciate me I live in now

Yesterday history
Tomorrow mystery
Today is a gift , the present

<3 🙂 

eurus pulsare says:

i really like this man

Beatrix Milán says:

Actually he talks abaout how to be constantly in “flow” (Csíkszentmihályi)?
Doesn’t he?

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