Conversations with God: Awaken the Species, Book 4 – Full Audiobook

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We’re in trouble. But there is help…if we listen.

In the middle of the night on August 2, 2016, Neale Donald Walsch found himself drawn into a new and totally unexpected dialogue with God in which he suddenly faced two questions: Is the human race being offered help by Highly Evolved Beings from Another Dimension? Is there a key role that humans are being invited to play in advancing their own evolution by joining in a mutual mission to assist the planet during the critical times ahead?

He was told that the answer to both questions is yes.

Then he was given 16 specific examples of how Highly Evolved Beings respond to life differently than humans do—and how adopting even a few of those behaviors could change the course of world history for the better forever.

That information makes up the body of this work.

A striking invitation to every reader sets the stage for the extraordinary explorations that follow. Picking up where Book 3 in the Conversations with God Trilogy series left off, the revelations about Highly Evolved Beings and about how ordi­nary humans can answer the call to help awaken the species on Earth will breathtakingly expand your view of both your personal and your collective future.

Which is exactly what the dialogue was intended to do.

Conversations with God: Awaken the Species, Book 4
Published in April 1, 2017
© Neale Donald Walsch

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@vusumuzivato3333 says:

Hov plugged me up – can't wait to dive in!

@ashwadhwani says:

Thank you angelic intentioned ones

@brenpeace349 says:

I felt such a connection with these books! So much release, love and inspiration of knowing whom I really am.. I am that. We are one! Love you all. ♥️🙏🙌🏻

@jasonwalters2684 says:

Ask god about getting rich💰💰💰

@artcook1976 says:

The information I have heard in yrs , but no way am I sharing the apple pie ,god sent that to me only

@embracinghumans says:

I so love that you've opened up your heart and mind to God's voice and continue to do so. Rumi, the bible, poems, and your books (plus many other writings) speak to us from God's mind and heart.

@jangak7808 says:

Simply amazing ❤️❤️❤️

@saraharmstrong1135 says:

Love this Book ! Love love love 💞💞💞💞

@Adalbert130 says:

Just so you know… if you knew God, you should know He is using Holy Bible to speak to his children

@ZoltanKovacs-in6qw says:

Great! Thanks.

@user-ru9si5pn7i says:

3:46:01. ❤

@defxxx67 says:

These are my favourite books.
If i could id take them with me when i transform 😊🙏💓

@ilianalissetleechang7093 says:

So I get the impression that the main message shared here is:

Be/embody the change you want to see all around you in the world…

…and of course, a wonderful A-Z kind of manual on how to accomplish that.

And in my opinion, by the way… this book, and all others in the CWG series as well, gives clearer understandings on quantum physics, psychology, neurology, cosmology and so on, than most documentaries or informative articles available on the net. Not in the technical or rigorous aspects, but for anyone to be able to get a grasp on these ideas seeing a picture of it that people can explore without the non-scientific mind being engulfed or overwhelmed by it.

My most sincere gratitude and admiration to Mr. Neale D. Walsch

@chocodiledundee1 says:

I totally get it , chapter 8 I get it H.E.Bs or Highly Evolved Beings are us humans coming from the future I totally get it ! It’s us humans coming from the advanced future to help us here in 2023-24 ! Thank you so much for posting it , 93 likes means 93 people that are aware who we are that’s so beautiful 😻

@ay8987 says:

So much gratitude ❤

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