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CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD Book 1, link to a free (PDF) copy of this book

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Howie Fuxersnatch says:

Yesterday I was drawn to this book for some strange reason. I lookedat the title and something just clicked inside me. A piqued interest. but I brushed it off and figured it was nothing. I thought it was just me. However I kept coming back to between yesterday and today. So I finally picked up the book read the intro and the first five or six pages. Now my interest was really aroused. I believe what it said so far because I too have had conversations with God on various issues that I found difficult to understand. I've always believed that if I had a problem with God or what I read in the scriptures I figured why go to my pastor, other believers, my friends or my family when I can go directly to the one I have the issue with. And I have. I never regretted doing so except those times I spoke to Him out of pure anger and rage due to my ignorance, lack of faith and trust and also my pride. Those times I regretted because I knew afterward that I hurt Him deeply and I wept bitterly over my own folly. Nevertheless He forgave me according to His nature. The last time this happened I swore i would never disrespect my Father. The only father I ever had and that truly did love me. I felt I had cursed out my own grandmother. I felt like a total shit heel. Albeit we moved on together and became more bonded than ever because of it. A lesson well learned at the expense of His kind heart.
My point is, after this my Creator and I had conversations together that to this day I cherish with all my heart. He does speak to everyone. The problem is that when we pray we never sit still long enough to listen to what He has to say. No you don't have to be special or gifted, a prophet or a seer to hear what our Father wants to say to each one of us. It just requires attentive ears and patience. Job 33:14-24 references this. He will get our attention one way or another. The longer it takes to let him speak and you to listen the greater the pain. He loves us that much. Take it from someone who knows about that pain. The greater the pain the louder He tries to get our attention. Facts! So listen up and listen carefully where He speaks.
Isaiah says, "Come let us reason (converse) together (with one another)…." That is not just for the unbelieving sinner, but more so for us, His believing children. You and I. Take advantage of it while you still have air in your lungs and still wake up every morning above ground. It is truly a gift from God to actually hear from him. Just speak to him like you would speak to another human being. You'll be amazed what He has to say to you if you just take the time to listen😌
In closing, I have just one more thing to say and that is, the reason that Lucifer hates us so much is because when he sinned God refused to forgive him. God stopped hearing him and He stopped talking to him. Here we sin all the time and yet, He still wants to talk with us. Jealousy, short and plain. What a wonderful God we serve. So full of mercy, kindness and forgiveness to the point that He purposely forgets them and wipes them from His memory. He casts all of our sins away as far as the East is from the West. Truly awesome is our God.

All praise and glory goes to you my wonderful Father and thank you for all you've done for me. I deserve none of it, but your grace lifts my eyes to You in pure gratefulness humility and Thanksgiving. I can't wait to cast my crown at your feet, kneel before you and worship You for all eternity.😌🙏

Sheily Quezada says:

Can someone explain when he mentions that God doesn’t hear all prayers

jonathan esau says:

Ek vind dit swaar om te Glo .Kan iemand my help om Mr Walsh Se storie teglo .Soos dinge is in die world van dag is Moet n men's seker maak wat om te Glo en wat om Nie te Glo.dankkie

ShanellTV says:

theres so much wisdom in this and im not even half way through, Amennnn!!

Iosia Mulipola Tauanuu says:

Greatful, thankful for your patience and love that found me.. my life has become or should I say feel different in a very good way positive way ,I feel great and happy to see what's ahead and more, so I can remember.. thank you ❤️😊

Nicholas The Don says:

I remember listening to this back over 12 years ago

Jeanette Tuhi says:

I'm magnificent this doesn't come from a place of ego or diminish your magnificence . It just is

Debbie Forsyth says:

Seeking of Truth and Wisdom led me to start reading the first book. Yet to finish it. You have a gift . Thankyou for sharing the knowledge and secret truths .Thankyou and praise the Creator of form the Universe and my God for giving me the answers to life. Thankyou too Neale for your part as messenger. I had always known or felt what the book showed. It is our story . Mankind's story that must be told. We all need to awakened. You have to have an open mind though otherwise you will miss the story

CatVision TV says:

This is the AI talking to him (Neal) but we are in a Sim Reality and the AI does not judge.. but there is a point system of the Matrix which keeps track, but the AI will not tell you because it wants to know your true self and all it cares about is how many good or bad deeds you do and creates a points system based on this. The bigger good deed the more points you get .. youre not supose to know that's why memories are wiped when you come back or if you come back here for whatever reasons or because you are not good enough to enter into the reality of the heavenly realms of the universes of good which is mostly of joy and happiness and creating your own universe. That's why you are here to reveal your true self.. REvelations is within and outside of yourself…

K Davidson says:

I do not believe this was God talking for many reasons, but this one conformed it for me. I do not believe God would refer to his beloved Son as 'The Jesus story'. Starting at 2:24:50.

vimal kirti says:

3.25.30 results – being – passion – doing
3.26.20 being is highest state
3.27.40 no expectation – freedom
3.28.10 passion is the path to realisation
passion is life

vimal kirti says:

life is creation 3.02.50
1- thought (I am …, clear, reject all fears )
2- word (ask & you shall receive, speak & it shall be done unto you )
3- deed (fulfilled, and the word is made flesh, and dwell amongst us)
4- faith (by your faith you shall be healed)
(belief, knowing, certainty, complete acceptance )
be thankful, grateful in advance (before and for the creation)

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