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Conversation With God Book 3
CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD Book 2 – An uncommon Dialogue By Neale Donald Walsch
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Cenk Nazenin says:

I and the Father are one šŸ˜Š

Anthony Amare says:

Iā€™m nearly at peace, still feel troubled about the condition of the world especially when vulnerable people are affected. Still digesting everything.

Hattab Hattab says:

Realy raely is perfect message to the world and people .thank you so much D.W.

jansln asm,nkdsa. says:

when "god" started to praise george bush for being wise I knew this book was bullshit

MrAhuraMazda187 says:

I'm sorry but this book just does not ring true to me at all. It reeks of superficial projection and wishes. I study God a bit, especially through the works of Carl Jung and it's clear from religion that God speaks in a certain way. A heavily symbolic way that is very confusing because it contains unification of opposites. Light and Dark. Male and Female. Completeness and Perfection. Christ and Anti Christ. Salvation and Suffering. Death and Renewal. You hear God every night in dreams. That's why dreams dont make a lick on sense. They're insanely deep and confusing. This book on the other hand, just sounds like Law of Attraction Christmas List. Very superficial. Very childish. God doesnt speak this way. And we know this by mapping out the tens of thousands of years of both Mythological Symbolism and human behavior. That's Jung's work. Mapping out the voice of God through our own heads.

I can go into a little more depth. For instance, "god" here claims that Neal lost his job cause he "didnt want it any more" because he'd show up late, perform bad etc. That's why he lost his job. But then when asked about why cant he have the good things he wants in life, "God" says cause wanting something only produces more want of it and the actual thing. Well you just contradicted yourself on the job issue. This book is entirely made up of such things. One other one is, "God" says that many people speak in my name and are frauds, but then says that we are perfect and our will is Gods will. And that this obvious incongruity is made right because you will know what God REALLY wants cause its your highest potential: love, happiness etc. I mean that's so wrought with error. Jung has made a point of this saying that with the delivery of the Holy Ghost and Jesus claiming all men can do what I do and more, would lead to megalomania and evil operating out of self inflation. Cult leaders thinking they're God or the voice of God. Such problem is ENORMOUSLY present in this book.

And our myths show us God actually doesnt really care about personal pleasure. The Covenant, salvation, appeasement of Gods in polytheism. Soul development and enlightenment, renouncing pleasure in Buddhism. Fasting in Islam. Prayer 5 times a day. EVERY myth and religion has such demands, so much so that one can say its either axiomatic of religion or truly how God sounds. Not like this office secretary in this book.

This book just reeks. It doesnt hit on ANY deeper symbolic Mythological level. And it could. Christ talked in parables. He spoke clearly to people. Muhammad was illiterate and yet the Quran is the most intricate poetry. This isnt it. This isn't even good on the Law of Attraction scale. It's like tabloid level writing and arguments that dont hit on any deeper level other than to say "you're God and I made you so you can have margaritas and big screen TVs." No. That's ridiculous

Cenk Nazenin says:

how are we not to know if all this information is coming from the devil

Jesus Bermudez says:

This is all incredibly superficial

Jesus Bermudez says:

Pure bullshit

Patty K says:

Oh, and by the way, Neal's profits from these conversations with God are approximately 52 million dollars. Wonder what God thinks about that?

Patty K says:

I also, have had a very "God" experience. This is an experience that Neale had. He is by no means a God like person. He does have a wonderful message though. But, having had my own experience, I have to disagree with some of what he claims God told him. Especially in Book 1, where he claims that prayer is useless unless one thanks God for what he wants rather than suplicate. He (Neal – because God doesn't judge how one prays) claims that prayers will not be answered by the mere asking God for something. FACT – That is wrong. One can pray to God in any way or manner as his soul desires. There are others out there that claim to talk to God also, and I'm sure they do, but if God really wanted to get this message across humanity it would not be in this manner. I truly think that Neal believes he is having a conversation with God, and that is a wonderful thing. But most of what he sais that God tells him is actually common sense for human beings that believe in God. And I'm sorry, but prayer does work. Like faith, praying can move mountains. I was really digging these "conversations" until he said that asking God for something (praying) doesn't work. I have been in God's presence, and believe me, prayer does work.

Robert Jones says:

Everybody needs to be exposed to this information this wisdom must be put out to everybody everywhere if people were willing just to spend one day listening 2 this it would change the concept of living itself peace and respect to all I hope this gets out 4 the future of mankind I only can speak for myself but thank you thank you


I've had many of the same conversations….Thank you for sharing in such a fantastic way.

Faggy 2016 says:

Very different and excitingm Glad am already awake… It's not for babies šŸ˜‰

Carol Anande says:

I am so grateful to this artwork it simply is a sacred gift. May all those who have brought it forth be truly blessed by the Divine.

Jules Nicole says:


Abraham Mandelbaum says:

I wish the modern therapist would as practical and deep like you Neil Donald . Where can I find therapist that go with your style of thinking

StonerKage says:

i wish the world leaders would read these books, this is what they need to stop all this crazy nonsense wars

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