Conversations With God Book II Neale Donald Walsch

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it is eye says:

27:56 The greatest challenge for human beings is.

April Lashon says:

I went out and bought all 3 books today after listening to this audiobook!

Joseph hughes says:

Mmm X Dr trrrrr

Joseph hughes says:

Mmm X Dr trrrr

Andrei A. says:


Liolia says:

43:15 a good overview of key points

Ivana Mizeráková says:

Hmm the first book was so much more godly than this one. This one is more like a human trying to persuade other humans to be better using "god". But like he said in the first book…god created all. The good and evil. He got us choices. And he wants us to choose. We wouldn't know the good without the evil.
And most definitely god is patient. I can see the impatience in this book for the change of the world.
Who else noticed this?

JTG says:

Anybody else listen to Conversation with The Devil? This, combined with THAT, makes perfect sense.

Jas Sahota says:

Thankyou for sharing

Ra Light Personal says:

Okay so reading about half of the book’s material, while it does cover the theme of sexuality and political, it does so much more.

It covers philosophy thinking, little bit of history, looking into the viewpoint of others, talks about education and all.

MaverickBull says:

Omg I HATE the male gods voice

Jahliyl Robinson says:

Can somebody upload the whole damn series please. Damn… God bless you!🙏😌

Agnieszka K says:

Thank you for that, peace and love ♥

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