Could You Elaborate On Ego Versus Healthy Self-Esteem?

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Eckhart Tolle describes how life can certainly be more pleasant with a good measure of self-esteem, but ultimately freedom comes by transcending form entirely.


Craig Haylett says:

I wonder, if someone spends their life present – without ego – no false sense of self, and they end up with dementia, do they suffer emotionally?

Jessica Wolan says:

“You’re going to be out of business.” Eckhart- “that would be wonderful” and he completely means it. Love this man

jfhow says:

I am an observer and a doer, in this moment.
The doing includes generating thoughts and ideas and expressing myself through language and other means.
The memories, judgements and plans about what goes on in my life is the business of my ego.
These are only ideas which exist in my brain, and do not constitute reality.
There is also the current feeling I may have about myself which depends on recent good or bad events, which I would call self esteem.
This can be of a very superficial nature but also includes my deepest sense of self worth.

Without an ego, I would not know who I am or what I am doing.
Survival would be very tenuous.
So honestly, I don't know how a I could live without a healthy ego.
But my ego has caused most of my problems in life, I believe.
It can induce anxiety, depression, anger, jealousy and other forms of negativity.
These feelings accompany the thoughts that the ego is processing.
It usually involves judgement of some sort involving right and wrong.
By judging you are placing yourself above creation as if you had no part in creating it.

To be free of ego, you cannot be judging anything, especially yourself.
It is total acceptance of reality as it is.
Much of what concerns the ego is fear based, which is a great waste of mental energy.
I think the key factor is not self esteem, but pride:
The feeling of being superior or inferior to other people, which is simply not true.
It's correct to feel equal to others. This is real and leads to self esteem and a healthy ego.

What was missing for me was the understanding that those negative emotions are signals.
They were telling me and continue to tell me to wake up.
I am doing this to myself.
I don't need to dwell on negative, judgemental, angry thoughts.
What I think about is a choice I can make.
I choose to make my imagination a happy, purposeful place.

The question you need to ask is: who is observing and doing?
Whose ego is this, exactly?
You shouldn't identify with your thoughts, you only created the thoughts and they will change.
The thoughts inform you about you.
You can get onto the wrong track, so to speak, but you can get back on track if you are aware.
You will always be you, whatever you think.

The physical world of form is our direct connection with the 'divine'.
Being in the moment means feeling, sensing, doing.
Your most direct connection with God is in eyes of the person or creature before you.

Vince's World says:

A healthy sef-esteem should comes from yourself, and not by comparing to others. When you are able to allow youself to compare your present self from your past self, you have total control of who you can be, and what path you want to take, therefore, you have the choice to stay as you are, or to be a greater version of yourself (which is the goal of everyone). Others can help you being it, and indirectly improve your self-estem, but it is in our power to shows the world what we really are, by taking action by ourself, by uplifting our self-esteem by ourself. The Ego is good and necessary in this world, but it shouldn't be compared or faced to a other, that's where all the bad happens.

Angela Tavaglione says:

I love how he wraps up the ending

Bill Turner says:

I really like much of Eckharts discussions. But I sense that the ego that we need to set aside isn't a life mistake or something that is a misstep to be overcome. It is part of the Presence that bonds with form, experiencing the journey from Oneness into dualism, separateness. With out the construct of ego journey and release, the whole journey and value in One's presence in the physical realm would be none existent journey experience.

Josie F says:

Eckhart Tolle thank you for your amazing words of wisdom.👍🙏👏💖👍👏🙏👏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Sandy Lunden says:

Elkhart has a great sense of humor! Cracks me up ❤️☮️

M Handford says:

I love this guys sense of humour.

Let Go says:

EGO is always unconscious?

Durgesh Bahuguna says:

BEST EXPLANATION Tolley is playing and joking with the brain thoughts which thoughts are playing with our life and disturb us. it is true enlightenment thanks sir.

j s Koivisto says:

That last line had me laughing.

Elaine Garnsey says:

Absolutely. Brilliant…,

Sumpfina says:

I don't quite get why he has such a pessimistic outview on life circumstances. For example the piano player, he identified with being a piano player, then he couldn't play anymore so he was devastated. BUT in every moment we have the choice to decide how we will react to life circumstances. So do I want to feel devastated because of this, or do I see it as a chance to maybe create myself anew, discover a new side of me, start a different profession. Identity can change suddenly if you don't take it too seriously. But you don't have to deny identity.This has to do with trust in life. Because if you trust in life, you know that everything happens for a reason. If you cannot play piano anymore, God maybe wants something different for you. Maybe there is something more fulfilling waiting for you. You don't know it. Only Life knows. Trust Life. Trust yourself. Do not fear identifying. Be brave. Be yourself. Be what you are, and be it 100%. You will be able to deal with changes. You are strong. You do not have to fear emotions. You will be able to deal with them, and you will find happiness, no matter what happens. There is a plan, and it is working for your good. Trust the plan. 🙂
The piano player has the belief: When I lose my profession I will be devastated. So change that belief! You are creator. Decide not to let circumstances make you unhappy.

Ramesh Gupta says:

I have become very found of Eckhart Tolle!

Terri Anne North says:

the way you laugh ~ ☺️

Jacadz says:

Byron Katie is an example of someone who went from very low self esteem accompanied by great suffering into an awakened state.

Haon Nesretep says:

Self esteem is a disposition to experience ourselves in a way in which we value, love, respect, and accept myself. Self-esteem has nothing to do with others. Self-esteem is our natural birthright

Pip Pipster says:

I know he’s really enlightened n’all … but come on, he does look like he should be in Lord of the Rings.

Hannah Miller says:

If you go from wall street to prison, then much easier hahaha

Hessa A says:

Eckhart Tolle saved my life! Thank you man.

Wild Tribe says:

thanks eckhart!

Boris Grizchenko says:

I don't agree with Eckart Anymore. Beeing someone and having an ego is part of life. If you don't have an ego and you dont have any interests you are basically just a vegitable.

Cannalingus says:

Is it "Low self- esteem" when you say "life treated me unfairly" when something happened to you that is so rare that almost all of 30 different medical doctors don't know what it is or how to diagnose it? When what happened to you is so horrific that people use it as a common saying to excessively exaggerate how much pain they are in to a degree of absurdity to try and make their pain funny in a round-about way?

Rakesh kumar says:

Eckhart trying hard to explain -There is no "self" to have a self esteem

Sergio Lissone says:

The true definition of self esteem is a combination of self efficacy and self respect: confidence in your ability to achieve the values that make you happy, and believing you are worthy of that happiness. It is not tied to external things, but to internal qualities and habits that make them possible, such as integrity, purposefulness, self acceptance, consciousness, assertiveness and responsibility. Look up Nathaniel Branden, he practically invented the self esteem movement and was its most clear thinker.

Swalklanexw Dallas says:

High: Oneness __
Middle: High Self esteem __|
Low: Ego __|

FeelGood Within says:

Thankx so much😊

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