Create The Life You Want – Eckhart Tolle (Law Of Attraction)

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Create the life you want, words of wisdom by the great Eckhart Tolle.

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LampBlaBla By easy decor says:

I am done is a choice , Source is ok with material things that lead to a better life and pleasant emotions for yourself and others .Think about why you come to this earth as you could be aware of everything in the non physical realm , you should stay there not to come LOL . This is a nature of creator for creation and expansion. Why does source create you and this earth for why ???screwed up ?? Are you a field energy of happiness ,joy, love ,peace with anything or hate material things??

Charl Heynike says:

I have a similar feeling about having to go to Canada. It's nice just feeling something intuitively and responding to it with trust.

jackgoldman1 says:

Be the person you want to be, a human being. Be the person you want to love and be loved by. All the happiness I can ever have, all the being I can ever have, is in the breath right now. All the happiness, true bliss, I can ever have right now is in the breath, in the feeling of being fully alive.

Immortal Gatsby says:

He is a sheer mockery of Jiddu Krishnamurthi.

Dalma Mirabal says:

wow… this guy is more and more spaced out as time goes by. I used to like him, now he is just talking for the sake of talking…

Honey Senpai says:

His laugh is adorable ❤️

Andrew1974 says:

All have missed the point, especially the person who come up with the title. We are the animal, the animal can not have the power of the law of attraction. This is where every one is mistaken. The law of attraction in the spirit world is instantaneous. The Soul who lives in us, if desires something to happen through the human animal, takes much time to manifest in this reality. This guy who is trying to get the point across, is not talking about the human manifesting through what it wants, its the Soul speaking to the human through visions, or thoughts of what the Souls intention or purpose at this point of time of its incarnation in this human, wants. That's the law of attraction that no one will tell you. If manifesting isn't working for you, your Soul is not interested. Don't beat yourself up. One the other hand, if the Soul prepares a life of luxury before incarnation, that what the Soul gets. That's why some people can touch anything and it turns to gold!(analogy) Try to be at peace with this information

Escape Pod says:

good stuff…but laughing loud-mouth lady is a little annoying. I guess it presents a mental challenge to get past it haha.

David Smith says:

Oh man. I've always ignored Eckhart Tolle, but he seems to be the real deal… You just need to make sure to put the videos on 2x speed though (talks a bit slow)

susan brown says:

Canned laughter…rather annoying.

Gaurav Tandon says:

There seems to be a very sad or attention hungry woman laughing too loudly in the audience

ultracalicokittycat says:

"The Power of Now" cd accidentally was put into the cd case of "The Secret"

Alin Birta says:

THANK YOU !!!!!!!!

leandro vieira says:

The title of the video has not to do with ET

Lest_We_Forget says:

“Yes, thought – of course – is quite powerful…”

“So you can improve, to some extent, your world – how you relate to yourself. This is the stage of affirmations.”

“And then you find you can even create certain situations – improve them. And when you finally get there, you often find that – once you have achieved your desired place or state or possession or position – for a little while, it’s great. And then, that’s not quite it either.

“You’re beginning to encounter the limitations of rearranging your thought processes.”

“And so, the emphasis in this teaching is not on that, but it’s on going deeper where there’s no conceptual reality at all – where you no longer have a relationship with yourself. Because a relationship with yourself…is a concept of ME.” (Ask a dog if he has a relationship with himself.) “That’s the beauty of animals – they are themselves, completely themselves…no need for affirmations. They don’t carry the burden of a conceptual self. So you break through that. What emerges is…you go beyond the state of thinking.”

“So what happens when people do their affirmations, visualizations in order to create their external reality. In many cases who is doing the practice is still the mind-made self wanting – through some improved situation – to enhance itself, to feel better about itself, to feel more recognized, to feel more prosperous, more…MORE. More of ME.
…You want to get there. And once you get there, because you’re not yet fully able to enter the now, that place or that attainment does not quite live up to its expectations. Now, is there a role, is there a function for that kind of thing – creating your own reality – in this new consciousness that emerges? It is possible that you wake up one morning and you have a vision of what it is that wants to be done and that vision is joyful and it feels as if it were happening already. It’s not the feeling that I need to get to that place to achieve greater self fulfillment.”

“Visions can come in: ‘This is what I have to do.’ …Who knows that this is what I have to do? Where does it come from? It’s the realization of what presence wants through you. That’s all. Very often it doesn’t come in quite that way, it comes in a way that an external thing comes – seemingly an external thing comes – into your life that asks you to do something. And more often than not, it is a response to something that arises within the totality in your life – an external thing, a person, a situation, an event comes into your life – you respond. Out of that, you respond to what ever it is. So the need for visualizing is greatly reduced. It may come in almost as a vision of something that is in the process of unfolding, is not yet manifested, but you already see it – that can happen – but not so much as a goal that I need to achieve or go towards.”
“So it’s obeying the impulse and going with it, when it’s beyond question that this is how it is to be…That thing that is needed comes, as an external thing, to which you then respond…Who knows where that leads? It’s the trust that is the beautiful thing that comes with living in that way.”

“Consciousness can use all kinds of ways and means and channels. So, it’s not a question of what I want – for myself, as a separate entity – but how I can be an openness for what the universe wants.

So there comes a point when positive thinking has been a stage on your journey – a good one – and then you step beyond that, also.”

Faiza m says:

When did this interview take place?

Migdalia Rosado says:

That was my question.
And the response was on Pont..
So let it be.

khanehdiangurl says:

Thank you for posting this. Great question!

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