dalai lama

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dalai lama

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Rick Krasner says:

@TheAdultChild101 are you a fucking idiot? what's with the "Jew" comment.

Ryan Z. Dawson says:

It's a good thing they took the sound away, or else someone might actually have enjoyed something. And we can't have that.

tahoevic says:

Copy right this asshole the movie has made it's money!!!!!

oldsccoolkilroyy says:

Yo word life you copywrite mother fuckers are worthless I wanna meet someone who does this shit so I can jus give one hit to the head. I'll be like what do you do for a living. Act all interested then jus give him one. He/she will be like what was that for!!?? An I'll jus say gunga lagunga an walk away

Alex Hopkins says:

Gunga galunga…gunga, gunga lagunga.

pwnDonkey says:

I call my driver "the lama" cause its a big hitter

Christian Metatron says:

"Flowing robes, the grace, bald…striking!"
Bill Murray is fucking hillarious. This movie is up there with a great comedic cast of the eighties. They don't make 'em like this anymore. Sheeeeeesh.

Miller Thyme says:

Bill Murray – true comedic genius!

Wesley Bond says:

he basically improved that whole scene, bill murray is a comedic genius

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