Dalai Lama accused of ‘paedophilia’ after asking boy to ‘suck his tongue’

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A video of Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, kissing a child on his lips and then asking him to “suck his tongue” has sparked massive outrage, with many accusing the world-renowned figure of “paedophilia.” But this is not the first time the Dalai Lama has provoked controversy.
#DalaiLama #tibet

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Pantera666 says:

Pedophiles hide behind religion 🎉

Severus Fartus says:

The west always think of the dalai lama as Budha or something. They think he's a literal holy man who is free of wordly desires. There's no such thing.

kevin joseph says:

Ive been interested in buddhism since 1968 or so…DL never fooled me..former king of tibet.

Cehres Demlark says:

Priests are perverts, if you deny then you did not knew that

hanane zahhh says:

religious people are retarded

Ellis MAMA says:

Long live long suck my holiness😂

U I U says:

This is way too touchy touchy for me….

rose says:

imagine the child giving a hard SLAP TO THIS IDIOT

or the child's father punch 👊 this old man's nose 👃


badi krusevac says:


Samione says:

And the people in the room laughing and ok’ing this p3do are just as SICK!

AD says:

This fake so-called 'lama' is a pedophile. We have to start a campaign to file a suit against him. He should be stripped from his noble price. This man should be behind bars. He is a nasty example, and his sexual desire is very nasty. It is very damaging. What a shameless and nasty Buddhist exsmple. I'll prepare the required documents to be filed to International Court of law.

wonder Women says:

He isn't God he is monster poor kid

D DC says:

Maniac Dalai Lama. Pedophile. Sick in the head

Dooney Struggs says:

When he hugged the boy and he tried to let go, Dali Lama forcefully continued to hold him.
Proof right there.

Cranberriesboo says:

This dude is a scam ..like every religion

munchieOG says:

Most things that suppress allowing having sexual partners always end up having pedos. I'm not surprised.

Laoch says:

imagine wearing a mask when you believe in reincarnation. its all just one big scam from government to religion to monarchy

Regala09 says:

an evil disguised as a sacred man… disgusting, sickening, and disturbing live in public and people are laughing that it seems ok with them because he’s the dai lama… so, does that mean they also follow what he does in public and indoor????? Not sure how many Kids were abused innocently????? This guy Dai Lama needs to be prosecuted now that the evidence is circulating with his disgusting videos and apologies😡😡😡😡😡 Dai lama’s action is forcing the boy to suck it… just see how Dai Lama is moving forward and boy moving backwards, it’s an act of aggression. The body language will not Lie! What happens indoor we don't know??? Maybe more abuse????? India needs to arrest this Dai Lama for child abuse!

C says:

When is he goint to apologise to the Tibetan people that were enslaved with the serfdom system by him? Or for his tyrannical theocracy in tibet that would frequently maim those same people as punishment and for rulling a land where the average life expectancy was 32 yrs old?

Suneesh NT says:

Be natural in life..dont ptretend as holy man…wear a normal dress ..live with basic needs…enlightment is aslo a search for happines..

Mickele T says:

Most religious leaders, presidents other political leaders are involved in this sick Pedophile ring.
I can't even begin to describe the atrocities that take place.
They literally sacrifice kids and abuse them to God only knows what.
That's your global leaders.
Don't ask my why, as long as your aware right

Laurie says:

Great life time memory that kid has, now. Maybe he will set up the first tongue- yoga cult in the north of France, or start a taste test game across an entire town who knows

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