Dalai Lama Agrees To Box Pope For Charity

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@JacobVanders-nf6ki says:

Tiny bit better still this ip has been spreading hamas propaganda…. get back to the funny gay shit from the 90s!!

@dreamadventure8220 says:

I am betting on transcendent fist 😂😂

@aayushkumar9355 says:

Wait, is this for real? 👀

@aronm5329 says:

My money's on the monk, clerics canel heal, but have pretty low dps

@zacharyriley4561 says:

I think this is one of the few times modern onion made me laugh my butt off.

@fornalotta8767 says:

100$ on Dalai lama.

@Isuckatgames2too says:

Guys it's for charity it's justified

@user-mv6fv6eh2i says:

this sound really cool! I really should tune in.
oh. it's the onion.

this is like the character creator story all over again.

@joshfrench5858 says:

The winner gets the others cult followers. 👍🥇

@gagaplex says:

It seems kind of unfair because Lama can just reincarnate and keep coming back. Franky is gonna be permanently retired after just one KO.

@zigzag321go says:

Bookie says
The Pope is -110
The Dalai Lama is +105
Who ya pickin?

@hawk222 says:

I've got 12 silver pieces on the Pope winning! Any takers?

@lamarledennis3220 says:

pope about to get baptised in the ring

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