Dalai Lama: “Anger, hatred, fear, is very bad for our health”

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The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists. While visiting New York, he spoke with “CBS This Morning” co-host Norah O’Donnell about mental health, politics with China, and the chance of a female Dalai Lama.

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tenzin tashi says:

I love this

Tsultrim namgyal says:

I feel pitt on newscaster making fun of His holiness the 14 the Dalai Lhama

Michael Butayev says:

Man, those people are totally missing the point

greg oscar says:

Why do they have to bring sex into everything? His mind is not as polluted as yours slut reporter.

greg oscar says:

He's such a calm man. When i'm down i listen to him. I think he should pick up a bazooka and blow China away. What a slut that reporter is? Dressed like a whore to speak to such a revered spiritual leader.

Gee Willickers says:

humor? less divorce, less drugs? awkward laugh.

Ching Phing says:

its blance of life yin and yang

Ching Phing says:

has he ever had sex

upasthit says:

Sickening watch these ignorant newscasters making fun of Dalai Lama's accent. Hey, let's hear them try to talk in a foreign language.

john luyag says:

"tenzen gyasoh" that butchering tho

Wangdak Gonpo says:

long his holiness the great dalai lama

Tee Vice says:

3:42 – "When is he gonna say I'm beautiful" haha

Sachit Nagpal says:

that guy doesnt seem to be mocking or making fun of dalai lama in an insulting or offensive way at all. it seems he liked dalai lama and the interview

Xerxes Panthaki says:

"Fear leads to anger , anger leads to hate , hate leads to suffering!"

Dalai Llama = Yoda.
Wake up, people!

maple1255 says:

After the tragedies which the Dalai Lama experienced first hand, the killing of many thousands of Tibetan people when the Chinese came to take over Tibet, many monasteries, precious paintings were destroyed, he had to leave his own home yet he manages to have true happiness in his life, I have seen him as part of an audience in Portland, everyone loved him, a loving and caring human being.

H says:

Charlie rose is a fucking sarcastic son of a bitch.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of things, including the dalai lama.
WHY THE FUCK MUST YOU JEER AT THE DALAI LAMA. you fucking dickless s.o.b

Tenzin Namgyal says:

At the end of the news session, you people tried hard to make fun of his holiness the Dalai Lama, as if you ignorance people know more then his holiness on how to led a happy life. I feel pity on you. Even thought you guys looks matured , but deep down you are dirty minded and spoiled one, who is earning bad karma on your stupid thoughts..

koreanpeoples says:

 dalai llama, fuking 90 yr old virgin loser

Georgiy Potulov says:

"Where is anger? In your stomach you feel it, you see. In the base here. If you beat your husband or wife or neighbor, or beat the pillows, you are not going to solve the problem. It is already absorbed. You are only enriching these therapists who are making money out of that. You hit your wife, husband, anybody you want, and that's all that you can do, nothing else. But still it is the function of the body to handle that and absorb it. It is in here. It is something real there for the body. It doesn't want this anger, because it is destroying the sensitivity of the nervous system. So, it is absorbing the whole thing, and you don't have to do a thing.

Any energy that you create through this thinking is destructive for this body. That energy cannot be separated from life here. It is one continuous movement. So, all the energies you experience as a result of playing with all those things are not of any interest to the smooth functioning of this living organism. They are disturbing the harmonious functioning of this body — a very, very peaceful thing.

The peace there is not this inane dead silence you experience. It's like a volcano erupting all the time. That is the silence, that is peace. The blood is flowing through your veins like a river. If you tried to magnify the sound of the flow of your blood you will be surprised — it's like the roar of the ocean. If you put yourself in a sound proof room you will not survive even for five minutes. You will go crazy, because you can't bear the noises that are there in you. The sound of the beat of your heart is something which you cannot take. You love to surround yourself with all these sounds and then you create some funny experience called the "experience of the silent mind," which is ridiculous. Absurd. That is the silence that is there — the roar — the roar of an ocean. Like the roaring of the flow of blood.

That is all that it [the body] is interested in, not your state of mind nor the experience of the silent mind. It's not interested in your practice of virtues nor in the practice of your silences. The body has no interest in your moral dilemma or whatever you want to call it.

It's not interested in your virtues or vices. As long as you practice virtues, so long you will remain a man of vice. They go together. If you are lucky enough to be free from this pursuit of virtue, as a goal, along with it the vice also goes out of your system. You will not remain a man of vice. You will remain a man of violence as long as you follow some idea of becoming a non-violent, kind, soft, gentle person. A kind man, a man who is practicing kindness, a man who is practicing virtues is really a menace. Not the [so-called] violent man."
-Not important

Josh Amero says:

he is all bent over

sam ronaldo says:

long live hh the 14dalai  lama

sam ronaldo says:

long live hh the dali lama

Simon Lynch says:

The Dalai Lama is a charlatan. For those of you who want to understand the political motivations behind his actions then please read the book 'The False Dalai Lama' which details the corruption and religious suppression that he has been enforcing under the guise of a supposed holy man

Alex K says:

they're not mocking him in a bad light they seem to love the way he speaks and the general happiness that comes across in his voice, not because of his accent.

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