Dalai Lama answers questions from the audience

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama answers audience questions at “Creating a Happier World: an afternoon with the Dalai Lama and friends” – organised by Action for Happiness in London on 21 Sept 2015 www.actionforhappiness.org/dalai-lama-event

With thanks to The Meridian Trust for filming the event: www.meridian-trust.org

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Tenzin D says:

His Holiness he Truely is a Unique and a great Teacher a Messanger ….Everywhere he goes he only speaks or try speaking About Peace and Humanity …God Bless You …..

廖伯訓 says:

'for as long as space remains, and as long as sentient beings remain, until then, may I too remain, to dispel the suffering of all beings' – his Holiness quoted Shantideva's prayer.

Jack Wongen says:

Tears rolled down my face.  There is only one race the "Human Race."   Learn love and kindness.   I bid you Peace.

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