Dalai Lama apologises after asking boy to suck his tongue

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The Dalai Lama has apologised after a video of him asking a young boy to suck his tongue went viral. #dalailama #news #dalailamavideo

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Rana Konswa says:

y'all were so pressed when feminists cancelled him before now look at u now 😂😂😂

sai lin says:

Dude I’m not tryin stand up for him but as a Buddhist y’all do not understand these monks did not grow up like us they don’t know what’s playful and what’s not yes they study things that are very hard and it tells them but they didn’t grow up without a child hood most monks they are wise but when it comes to playing around or teasing they don’t know how to because they’ve never experiences human emotions

John B says:

There is nothing innocent about asking a child to suck his tongue. Time to cut his tongue out. Period.

Mr.Google says:

he said that “s**k my tongue“ and then the boy s*cked it
if dalai lama didnt meant that actually and it was his grammar problem then he would have stopped the boy when he s*cked his tongue
but eventually it was the only motive of the dalai lama to be su*ked by a minor so he didnt stop him after

he is a sexist

lookie says:

Lock him in solitary confinement or federal prison

Seraphin says:

You guys are so full hof hate. Cant even destinguish between a abiser or a playfull soul. While you allow dragqueens halfnaked dance infront of your kids……

Navanil talukdar says:

people in the comments have pure 0 % knowledge on Tibeten culture

Babayega says:

I have joked with a butt load of people. Many kids I see out in the mall, heck even puppies I see out for a walk. I have NEVER asked either the children or the puppies to suck my tongue. Wtf kind of joke is that?

Hope says:

Often we see what we want see. The boy felt good vibe and his highly educated familiees were with him. So that matters for them. The rest are viewers. Viewers see what they want to see. Long live HH DALAI LAMA

nilmini welivita says:

Apparently Its a Tibetian style of greeting

Smanpa Jigdral says:

That media works CCP

Smanpa Jigdral says:

😀😀 You jealousy Dalai Lama 😀
Boy's parents are present with him. What you sick? Covid-19?? Other side uneducated?? Or. Jealousy??

Let we see. Truth is never unchangeable. The karma will come soon on which narrow minded people and making Pretext person.
Remember Covid-19. You didn't enough it? Still work for CCP. It okay let we see in future. Don't forget todays your thinking and standing.
Okay hope you well.

Laoch says:

china were right

Laoch says:

apologised 3 months later

Tenzing lhadon says:

dalai lama is not good with english.. basically, he was saying 'eat my tongue' .. which tibetan grandparents use when they have no more to give to child…. the boy visited dalai lama several times in that event, and then dalai Lama said that suck my tongue, which basically means eat my tongue

Jevon Tommy says:

Unacceptable behaviour !!!

Qwerty asd says:

Why he didn't he ask about Dalai lama kissing a boy? Very curious. Still don't have the answer

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