Dalai Lama: Do not reject refugees because they are Muslim – BBC News

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The Dalai Lama has urged EU countries not to turn away refugees fleeing the Middle East because they are Muslims. Speaking to the BBC’s Clive Myrie he said more effort should be made to help bring peace to conflict-hit countries. The Dalai Lama is in London on a nine-day visit, and one of his main themes is the promotion of compassion, and how being more considerate can make us all happier.

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miracle John says:

he is a very sweet person but doesn't realy understand the teaching of Muhammad

Ivan Lau says:

Now if I say female Catholic priests must be attractive, what am I saying?

I respect the Dalai Lama and what he has sacrificed for. But we also shouldn't turn a blind eye to the need for Tibetans to climb out of their archaic mindset. Women should not be valued by their looks.

Mo Bandy says:

Saw him on PBS last night promoting socialism and equality… and behind him were his rows of golden goblets. Cmon, Lama, I thought you were better than that.

green 21 says:

Just love this man….

Brandon Carter says:

I love you Dalia lama

Taciano Messias Moraes says:

I'd say that this interview was probably really good, but the edition was terrible. The fragments chosen can't tell the discussion properly.

Wilt Min says:

The existence of God
Pro- eternal salvation
Con- hell on earth

Jane Smith says:

Speaking as an American I wouldn't care if they were white Christians.  We have had too many immigrants in recent years. We need a time out period to take a breath. So Europe can have them because we won't take any – not even one.

elijah del says:

"His holiness" please! just a pitiful old man.

elijah del says:

Marxist bafoon!

gray hill4 says:

I want the fucking queen of england to tell him to shut up about the chinese if hes going to tell us to shut up about muslims. Dumbass hypocrite

kimkim Mui says:

Dalai Lama is worse than muslim.

chem123ry says:

Look at the posture of this reporter!
Is that how a reporter should sit pointing his shoe towards the interviewee?
That is disrespectful.

webistan says:

1) These piece of shit are not refugees, 80% of them are young males. THey are soldiers coming to conquer Europe, rape white women, loot and arson.

2) Invite them to Tibet you dickhead Lama.

3) Compassion my arse!

Gurimpo says:

Verses from chapter 6, "A Guide To The Bodhisattva Way of life". A highly recommended book by His Holiness the Dalai Lama_///_ we love you!!!

"39. If inflicting harm on others is the nature of the foolishness, then my anger toward them is as inappropriate as it would be toward fire, which has the nature of burning.

106. Beggars are easy to meet in the world, but malefactors are difficult to find, for no one will wrong me when I do no wrong.
111. Thus, patience arises only in dependence on that malicious intention, so he alone is a cause of my patience. I should respect him just like the sublime Dharma."

lugang wang says:

Of course he said that, Dalai Lama himself is a fucking refugee. What a bitch .LOL

David Allan says:

What a hyprocrite! Its Buddhists that have persecuting and murdering muslims in Burma. Cab't believe the west listens to his crap

杨佩峰 says:

The Dalai Lama is an devil!

Zephyr says:

Dalai Lama is a kind of clown in this big circus

Tsong Hua Tan says:

The reporter is sitting with his legs crossed in this discreet interview. It is impolite to the HH Dalai Lama from the view of orient custom. The BBC should respect and watch the characteristic of different culture.

ninjitsu53 says:

all above these comment, seems to me that the humanity are now fading away. I hope these dipshit are happy about it.

456inthemix says:

Blöde Fragen kriegen entsprechende Antwort.

Trivial question receice according answer.

The Castelan says:

God those socks, my eyes, my eyes.

xena_radar says:

Why isn't the headline about how he said a female dalai lama would only be "useful" if she was attractive? 5:07 This guy is a fucking moron.

杨瑜蕤 says:

I feel very lucky and happy since he isn't in China! ~=~

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