Dalai Lama – Emptiness

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Dalai Lama – Emptiness
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Tsotara Emptyness says:

Thank you your holiness your beautiful brilliant mind always inspired me to be a better human being and trying to get rid of my negative emotions๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

Subhodeep Thakur says:

But Sanatan Dharma after analyzing all the things such as skin, teeth, bones, blood, ego and mind came to the conclusion that the thing which is examining ''I'' is ''I'' itself… but it cannot be expressed in words but can only be realized.
As Buddha said everything is existing, because of cause and effect so the final cause is the ultimate self which has no cause. Like if we analyze a laptop we will find that the laptop is made up of motherboard, keyboard, cpu. etc, etc but if we dismantle it we will find that there is no laptop.. so shunyata(Impermanence)!
But again all the components of the laptop are if deeply analyzed we will find that everything is comprised of atoms… and at the base level we will find that everything is energy and vibratation. But energy is permanent because it can neither be created nor can it be destroyed but can only manifest itself itself to various objects. Energy was also present before big bang. So, how did energy transformed into universe and accidently it manifested into humans and that the subtle mind keeps on reincarnating? is a mystery. The probability of these incidents from big bang to Enlightenment is 1 in a hundred trillion.

God is the source of creation, is the creation, also different from it and resting place of the unmanifested cosmos.
But that depends on understanding through divine or pure mind not with the material one.

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