Dalai Lama in NYC to receive medical treatment

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Hundreds gathered in Midtown on Sunday as the the Tibetan spiritual leader arrived at his hotel on West 57th Street. The 88-year-old is preparing to receive treatment on his knees. CBS New York’s Jessica Moore reports.

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@dinorossi2549 says:

Holi joke kid abuser

@Jews_C0ntr0l_daa__worldd says:

Didnt this dude stick his tongue down a kids throat?

@makuohua3071 says:

What kind of Spiritual Person is Dalai Lama is who went to America for medical treatment of simple problems rather than in any medical PG Colleges in India πŸ˜‚ . Seems his spiritual charms is Not working to heal his wounds in legs πŸ˜‚ . Will it work in Political asylum in India , America Or Global tourism hotspot it is doubtful lol . Since 50 years miracle didn't Work in 21st Century will it happen lol πŸ‘οΈβ“πŸ‘οΈ . Which nations will Sacrifice themselves for refugees asylum there is no historical records events can it happen in 21st Century is common sensed πŸ˜‚.

@brucemonkhouse6698 says:

Living embodiment of the peace, compassion, non-violence and respect for all people…who does this not remind you of in New York

@yuanwaiwang4546 says:

It's truly ironic that white people, who occupied the entire land of Native Americans and almost caused their genocide, now act like moral guardians concerned about Tibet. In their eyes, is there any difference between Tibetans and Native Americans? To them, these people don't deserve the benefits that modern civilization brings to humanity. This kind of selfish and hypocritical morality is disgusting.

@robertlim3621 says:

Nothing is permanent, including dalai lama

@aholic9753 says:

Till 29 June, it's crucial time for him, his shouldn't do any risky treatment

@Rohan1221star says:

Long live HH DALAI LAMAπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

@bayernvoeller says:

dalai was the zelensky of tibet in 1950

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