Dalai Lama: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

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Tibetan Buddhists have suffered deep persecution by the Chinese government. John Oliver sits down with the Dalai Lama to discuss China, the conditions in Tibet, and horse milk.

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  • Categories: Dali Lama


Brooke Whitney says:

He's so cute

Vishakha CHOPRA says:

Dear John Oliver. As always your episodes are enlightening and funny. But I think you should cover a bit of the story which is untold. Its untold how India is the home to almost 150,000 tibetians, who live peacefully here and have built more than a 700 monasteries in regions of Leh, Ladakh, Himachal, Uttrakhand and Karnataka. It's just worth covering I feel

TheLineCutter says:

0:30 even the stance of her eyebrows reflect the decline in America's ability to act like they know stuff.

Jacques Scott says:

5k Chinese citizens disliked

hugo li says:

达赖喇嘛应该拿10个诺贝尔和平奖 祝愿西藏人民能早日获得宗教自由 拉来喇嘛可以尽快回到布达拉宫

hugo li says:

真正心怀博爱 没有仇恨 当今世界恐怕就这么一位了 没看到过甘地的具体言行 我想达赖喇嘛就是甘地吧

YYJ says:

He replaced vodka with horse milk that's a total lie, an exaggeration full of self-involved arrogance. Also why don't western people try to keep their nose out of other countries' business, at the very least until cleaning up their own mess in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and other countries where people's lives were brought to hell in the name of freedom and democracy.

Kyle Kach says:

John Oliver will go down as one of, if not the greatest Journalists of our era. To sit down with a candid interview with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and to turn it into a lighthearted but honest examination of an extremely complex political situation is almost heartwarming. You can almost really see the Dalai Lama practicing his faith, seemingly at peace in the face of constant danger. Amazing.

Samous Famous says:

Damn, these Chinese commie trolls are everywhere in the comments. We're not stupid we know yall got paid lmao.

Gaius Scipio says:

11:08 John: Chinese officials say "You're a wolf wrapped in monk's robes"
Dalai Lama: Well tell the Chinese that I am from House Stark and "winter is coming"

Lillian Henegar says:

Loved this interview. What a pair!

你想怎樣 says:

You say a lot, I JUST ask you a question ,have you been to Tibet ,have you live in tibet.

Yiqi Wang says:

Very interesting to watch people who never been to Tibet to judge China and Tibet. You guys should to there to check out, to ask the local Tibetans whether what this video says is true. 🙂

M. Strain Jr. says:

Who else tried searching the internet for Willem Dafoe's dick?

1rickopotamus says:

Wow he fuckin met him!😮😮

pepe the haye symbol says:

soooooo….. he is real life yoda

ashgreen2080 says:

How every comment chain appears on these videos:

Person 1: [ Generally reasonable and mostly polite comment that could be open to discussion.]


Sagar Jain says:

can the common man do anything to help Tibet/ Free the panchen Lama?

Ankit Saxena says:

America likes to pretend as the defender of human rights but it is our country that helped Tibet and the Dalai Lama when they needed it most!!!

kelin zhang says:

In US some states also want to be independent, will you say let it go? Invade? Come on, like you know Chinese history very much. I'm not really appreciate some shows judge other countries like they are the god. Unless my Tibetan friends are all happy with nowadays life. They do enjoy the benefits of Chinese government's policies.

Sr. Eyerí Morales says:

God Bless You Always….!!!! Dalai Lama from Puerto Rico

Kellyjelly Bean says:

That was a great interview!

你想怎樣 says:

Tibet is part of China

Zombie Jäger says:

The Chinese government didn't take him. He's most likely frozen in an iceberg somewhere. He'll probably be back in the next hundred years or so.

Amran Sidek says:

he should go to myanmar and knock the head of the buddhist leader over there…

AZBgames says:

Thats what communism does for ya

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