Dalai Lama on Correct Action and Chanting Nam Myoho.wmv

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The Dalai Lama has candidly said that Ahimsa cannot tackle terrorism as the Terrorist has a closed mind. The answer is Correct Action supported by earnest chanting of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Video issued on occasion of Guru Purnima, honours the Buddha, the living Guru H.H. Dalai Lama and deals with issues including the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai. For further queries contact pvachani2000@yahoo.com

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Lucious Hirams says:

I love this gongyo and daimoku and feel honored to be a part of it all no matter who is doing it as long as it is done right, that's how Nichiren would have done it.
" it's the Heart that is most important".

Joe Killian says:

Barack Obama was and is clearly deceitful. I do have a problem with this because he is a poor role model that used slander, lies and works toward the subjugation of people in the USA.

Ann Lawrence says:

Obama has not done or been anything that could be perceived as ideal in any way as a model to be either studied (evident upon study). It is a contamination to include him. I am not angry nor do I hold strong feelings about him. Simply an observation as I enjoy this presentation.

Felecia Nelson says:

that pic at the end with the man and the baby looks vcreepy… in the light of pizza gate… SMH.. NMRK


OMG I LOVE IT ! 💗 nam myoho renge kyo 3x

Masuo Yoshida says:

Dalai Lama never chant Nam- myo ho-ge-kyo. SGI Buddhist only chant it.

AJ Muzik says:

What's with all the fighting? Can we just enjoy the goddamn video?

Sarah Dupuy says:

I chant Nam-myho-renge-kyo and practice Nichiren Buddhism but the title of this video is very misleading. The Dalai Lama is very popular and I think whomever did this, used his name to get peoples attention so they could learn about Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. I do not agree with this tactic. There is no need to mislead people into thinking they're going to hear about daimoku from the Dalai Lama who does not practice Nichiren Buddhism. If you truly have faith in daimoku, then using this kind of misleading tactic to get people's attention wouldn't be necessary. Tricking people is a very NON-BUDDHIST approach and I find it very ironic that the video's caption has the words "correct action" in it.

marc hayes says:

wonderful video and teachings just running way to quickly to read and absorb it…………often the case on you tube!

Lotus Sutra says:

Dalai Lama's knowledge of Buddhism is MINISCULE and he constantly lies about Buddhism. True Buddhism is the LOTUS SUTRA and Dalai Lama knows NOTHING about the Lotus Sutra. The Lotus Sutra is the ONLY path to salvation and those who slander the Lotus Sutra, including the Dalai Lama, are destined for Avicci Hells unless they repent before the Eternal Lord and Savior Shaka or His prophet Nichiren Jogyo Bosatsu.

Avalokitesvara Roberts says:

I fear about representing SGI and the Lotus Sutra inside of the context of the Dalai Lama, who is intolerant of traditions in Buddhism such as that of Dorje Shugden and is really just a political figure and not a real Buddhist (he eats meat).

Danielle says:

Fake news and now fake titles? WTF!?

Author F.E Feeley Jr. says:

Myoho renge kyo — The wonderful Law of the Lotus Sutra
Ho ben pon dai ni: Skillful Ways
Ni Ji Se Son — There the World Honored One
Ju San Mai — Quietly came up
An Jo Ni Ki — From his samadhi
Go Shari Hotsu — And said to Shariputra:
Sho Bu' Chi E — The wisdom of the Buddhas
Jin Jin Mu Ryo — Is profound and cannot be measured
Go Chi E Mon — Its gate is hard to understand
Nange Nan Nyu — And difficult to enter.
Is Sai Sho Mon — No Shravaka-Disciple
Hyaku Shi Butsu — Or Self-taught buddha
Sho Fu No Chi — Can understand it.
Sho I Sha Ga — Why is that? (because!)
Butsu Zo Shin Gon —the [present] Buddhas attended on many
Hyaku Sen Man Noku — hundreds of thousands of billions
Mu Shu Sho Butsu — Of [past] Buddhas,
Jin Gyo Sho Butsu — And practiced the many teachings
Mu Ryo Do Ho — Of those Buddhas bravely and energetically
Yu Myo Sho Jin — To their far-flung fame till they attained
Myo Sho Fu Mon — The profound Law
Jo Ju Jin Jin — Which you've never heard before,
Mi Zo U Ho — And also because they are exposing
Zui Gi Sho Setsu — The Law according to the capacities
I Shu Nan Ge — Of all living beings a way that the intention is hard to understand
Shari Hotsu — Shariputra!
Go Ju Jo Butsu I Rai — Since I became Buddha, I also
Shu Ju In Nen — Have been stating various teachings
Shu Ju Hi Yu — With different stories of previous lives,
Ko En Gon Kuyo — Various parables, and various similes.
Mu Shu Ho Ben — I have been leading all living beings
In Do Shu Jo — With countless expedients
Ryo Ri Sho Jaku — In order to save them from materialism,
Sho I Sha Ga — Because I have the power
Nyo Rai Ho Ben — To employ skills,
Chi Ken Hara Mitsu — And the power to perform
Kai I Gu Soku — The Paramita (reached goal of wisdom) of insight
Shari Hotsu — Shariputra!
Nyo Rai Chi Ken —The insight of the Tathagatas
Ko Dai Jin Non — Is wide and deep.
Mu Ryo Mu Ge — They have all the [states of mind
Riki Mu Sho I — Towards] countless [living beings],
Zen Jo Ge Da's' San Mai — unchecked [intelligence], powers,
Jin Nyu Mu Sai — Fearlessness, dhyana-concentrations,
Jo Ju Is Sai — Liberations and samadhis. They entered
Mi Zo U Ho — Deep into no limits, and attained the Law which you've never heard before
Shari Hotsu — Shariputra!
Nyo Rai Nyo Shu Ju Fun Betsu —The Tathagatas divide the Law
Gyo Ses Sho Ho — Into various teachings, and state
Gon Ji Nyu Nan — Those teachings so gently and skillfully
Ek Ka Shu Shin — That living being are delighted.
Shari Hotsu — Shariputra!
Shu Yo Gon Shi — In short, the Buddhas attained
Mu Ryo Mu Hen — The countless teachings
Mi Zo U Ho — Which you've never heard before
Bus Shitsu Jo Ju — No more
Shi — Will I say
Shari Hotsu — Shariputra
Fu Shu Bu Setsu — Because the Law
Sho I Sha Ga — attained by the Buddhas
Bus Sho Jo Ju — Is the highest Truth.
Dai Ichi Ke U — Rare [to hear] and hard
Nan Ge Shi Ho —To understand.
Yui Butsu Yo Butsu — Only the Buddhas attained
Nai No Ku Jin — The highest Truth, that is
Sho Ho Jis So — The Reality of All Things
Sho I Sho Ho — In regards to:
Nyo Ze So — Their appearances (form? shape? size? ) as such,
Nyo Ze Sho — Thier natures (essence) as such,
Nyo Ze Tai — Their embodiments (present incarnation) as such,
Nyo Ze Riki — Their powers (potentiality also possibilities) as such,
Nyo Ze Sa — Their activities (function or role) as such,
Nyo Ze In — Their primary causes (obvious cause) as such,
Nyo Ze En — Their environmental causes (process) as such,
Nyo Ze Ka — Their effects (latent or hidden effect) as such,
Nyo Ze Ho — Their requital (final outcome or return) as such,
Nyo Ze Hon Ma' Ku Kyo To — And the combination of these [factors] as such (over and over again)

Lotus Sutra says:

Dalai Lama's teachings GO AGAINST the Lotus Sutra. There is NO, absolutely NO connection between the Dalai Lama and Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. The Lotus Sutra makes it clear we take homage ONLY in the Lotus Sutra, NOT in gurus.

Q U E E N I E U N I V e R Sa L says:

  现在,什么是Matubaa一个邪恶的眼睛混蛋做一个L'Noir Nimba雕像发送名片?
“他是什么,Matubaa仍然接受新客户和收费超过25美元的服务费,不包括NASTY SLANDEROUS和NEGATIVIES混合与邪恶的DEMONIC FORCES? “而且记住”手指打印“不要与政府和F.B.I.文件特别有关!”

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