Dalai Lama "suck my tongue" comment draws mixed reaction: "No one is perfect"

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There was mixed reaction among residents and tourists in India on Tuesday, after video from February surfaced that appeared to show the Dalai Lama kiss a young boy and ask him to “suck my tongue” at a public event.

Some members of the village of Dharamshala said the acts by the Dalai Lama were not out of the ordinary, while others said every person is prone to mistakes.

“We can go back into ourselves and our inner authority and not project it on other people and understand that no one is perfect and no one have all the answers,” Shai, a tourist from Israel told reporters.

The Nobel peace laureate was also seen on the video giving the boy a brief peck on the lips, in the presence of an audience that can be heard clapping and laughing. He released a statement on Monday apologizing for his actions, saying he wished to apologize to the boy and his family, and for any hurt his words may have caused.

For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/9612612/dalai-lama-apologizes-video-asking-boy-suck-my-tongue-kiss-tibet/
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kio shiro says:

Its pedophilia, but a holy one. We should be happy to witness an actual god in the flesh. Stay away from my kids tho

Silver Surfer says:

He should face criminal charges. Nobody is perfect but you need to face the consequences

Thupten Tenzin says:

China can never destroy Dalai lama.

Tsangrong n says:


The world is full of chaos and pain,
But one man brings hope again and again,
His Holiness the Dalai Lama, a shining light,
Guiding us towards a future that's bright.

Oh, His Holiness the Dalai Lama,
A beacon of love and compassion,
His wisdom and teachings inspire,
Filling our hearts with warmth and fire.

Through years of exile and strife,
He's dedicated his life to ending strife,
A voice for the voiceless, a friend to the oppressed,
His message of peace will never be snubbed.

From the mountains of Tibet to the streets of the world,
His message of kindness and love is unfurled,
Uniting people of all colors and creeds,
His message of unity is what the world needs.

So let us all follow His Holiness' lead,
And sow the seeds of love and peace,
For a better world that's free from strife,
Guided by His Holiness the Dalai Lama's light.

* * *

CCP Targets HH the Dalai Lama

Fellow Himalayan kindred spirits and peace lovers around the world, please do not bring ourselves down to the levels of the ignorant and biased who don't know our culture and context of the truncated video clip. Keep our comments civil.

Yes, we're deeply offended by media creating sensation and monetizing on clicks baits. However, let's not use foul languages or create disharmony among ourselves.

Those not familiar with Tibetan culture and exploiting His Holiness's radical innocent interaction with the boy, please detox and purge your minds of those twisted thoughts. Get to know the culture and then the context.

The viral video is just a part of a wider scheme by CCP.

Communist imperialism wants to drive wedge and divide us. Yes, they have resources and agents around the world raising the proverbial storm in a tea cup. Yes, they'll mix sacred and the profane.

CCP is keenly aware that though they succeeded in invasion of Tibet decades ago, they're yet to win the hearts and minds of people. They lack moral justification and credibility.

Hence, they're insinuating and pushing the theory of "slavery" in Tibet through an established media like BBC, and that CCP entered Tibet to "liberate", even though we don't have a word for slave in Tibetan.

Every society undergoes change, and yes there were an element of monastic ownership of farmland that citizens worked on. The Dalai Lama's memoir "My Land and My People" in 1962 recounts reformations underway in keeping with the changing times.

We can't let CCP justify trampling upon territorial integrity of neighboring states and their freedom.

They won't succeed in silencing HHTDL's voice of truth.

In this tussle between Good and Evil, David and Goliath
May truth reign eternal,
May His Holiness's blessing be upon us, In these degenerate times.

D. Dhamchoe says:

Often when highly acomplished beings go against the worldly conventions, ordinary people would always think the person is mentally not sound. Many Mahasiddha (Sanskrit: mahāsiddha "great adept; in the past acted that way. Read the stories of 80 Mahasiddha (Sanskrit: mahāsiddha "great adept; you will understand extra ordinary behaviours of these great beings. In Tibet before 1959, it was very hard to get even a glance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama let alone getting his hand blessing on their heads. Even today no Tibetan can dare ask Dalai lama " Can I hug you", that is way too much . We would consider ourselves very fortunate with mere sight of the Dalai Lama. Who knows his traditional grand fatherly gesture to that kid may have reasons such as to prevent the future demands for hugs by many millions of fans. So do not rush to give remarks with no knowledge about other cultures. Do you know there are 20 billion known world systems in our Universe. Many more to be discovered. We believe that the Dalai Lama's is incarnation of Buddha of Compassion and his manisfestations are helping in all these countless relms of beings. We are fortunate to have His Holiness The Dalai Lama to guide us in the path of peace and nonviolence. In the absence of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, our world will become dark and look gloomy.

Jamyang Monlam says:

Edited video that’s what it is. beyond imagination 🙏

D. Dhamchoe says:

First of all, I request the media to show the unedited, full video of the boy and hisfamily's meeting with Dalai Lama to the public so that public will not lose trust in the media.With this I would like to let the public know that every sincere Buddhist followers and Tibetans envy the boy and his family for getting such a close and special blessings from His Holiness the Dalai Lama. This had happened because the Authorities of the Private Office gave them special prvilege by allowing them to have direct access to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. So, His Holiness being a living Compassionate Buddha did not trun down the boys request: when he asked "Could I hug you". Seeing the kindness of host country, His Holiness with his spiritual modesty and humbleness, playfully asked the boy to suck his,Vajra Tongue. We consider it the most precious blessing as usually Private Office's Entourage would not allow the Tibetan Audience seekers even seek His Holiness's blessing even from his feet. Millions of his true deciples are dying to take his even left over food or tea as blessing. Not only that, in our culture Grand fathers and mothers kiss grand children out of love and affection. My grand mother often kissed me when I was under 16. So, some media people with little knowledge about this limitless Universe and limitless beings existence and extinction making big issue of great opportunity that the family got. Ask someone who has been very close to His Holiness about Morality Smell or Sweet Nectar like pleasant Smell comes from His Holiness The Dalai Lama as a sign of free of any mundance desire. On the contrary we ordinary people have full of odor or unpleasant smell which is sign of desire and lust. So, please don not compare ourselves with the pure mind, body and speech of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. It would be wise for the concernced media to apologise for their ignorance.

Dharkar Namgyal says:

in our culture our parent chew food in there mouth and feed the child like a bird, after feeding all the food if babies still look at them, then our parent stuck out their tongue and tell the child to eat their tongue with loving and playful gesture to show them that they have given everything in their mouth accept the tongue for you to eat….that's the way our parent shown their love and playful gesture while we raised…..so, if you have watched the full video of the event the boy ask for a hug is actually a second time hug that he is asking for, he already got the warm hug especially to him on initial welcome session….and the second time he ask on QA session, so dalai lama through some sweet loving and teasing gesture to that boy the way our culture raises the child kids as I mentioned above …

Thupstan Chotak says:

Long live dalai lama

Mahesh Rathod says:

I am Hindu and i don't see any offence or any kind of s€×uall act it's normal in sanatan dharm i stand with HH INDEED !!

Mahesh Rathod says:

I am Hindu and i don't see any offence or any kind of s€×uall act it's normal in sanatan dharm i stand with HH INDEED !!

jiang Ta says:

the title is suck, by knowing that no one is perfect, the title made of more imperfect. i can see how much hatred this channel has toward the Dalai lama……..let Dlai lama to spread the love the Kindness in this misery world

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