Dalai Lama: There is no “Muslim Terrorist” or “Buddhist Terrorist”

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Dalai Lama: There is no “Muslim Terrorist” or “Buddhist Terrorist”

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Paul Bustion says:

I think this is a dishonest argument. It would be like somebody saying that a true German nationalist would not kill people because that's not the German way, therefore Hitler ceased being a German nationalist once he took his genocidal actions in the Holocaust or was never a true German nationalist. If the Buddhists who are currently exterminating Muslims in Burma were Muslims rather than Buddhists, I'm pretty sure they would not be exterminating them. I'm pretty sure if the Muslims who stage pogroms and mass killings against Jews were goy converts to Judaism they would not be taking those actions. To act as if religion is never connected to terrorism is absurd.

musti mon says:

Lol hes deffending his fellow bhudists commiting genocide like he did in tiben befor china kickted there violent ass

Danny Danny says:

If Every People one day Fish, how do religion looks like ?

Shaneyalam Khan says:

Great soul.

Ashish Rana says:

so what a Buddhist should do when under attack?

Charanjeet Sharma says:

It is an political answer. Actually world is facing terrorism , which is originated from Islam. World can't get rid of terrorism without eradicating Islam. To achieve this target ,every nonmuslims must follow Ashin Wirotho

Big Ray says:

Mohammad was a war leader. Islam was born in the blood of Pagans, Christians, and Jews. The ONLY way to guarantee deliverance into paradise, according to Mohammad, is to die on the battlefield, fighting to spread Islam. Religion of peace?

Big Ray says:

Just lost all respect for the Dalai Lama. Fucking idiot doesnt know shit

Remon Rampage says:

Some people use religion to exterminate others, just like Myanmar to exterminate Rohingyas

TheLatiosnlatias02 says:

On this topic what Dalai Lama pointed out – I agree.

sher e punjab says:

Muslims have divided the world into three types. Darul Islam Darul Harb Darul Aman.
1 Darul Aman where Muslims are in low population, Muslims should live in peace and talk of secularism. And try to increase their population there.
2 In Darrul Harb, where Muslims constitute 30-40% of the population, Muslims should dispute with non-Muslims and try to spread Islam.
3 Darul islam, Where Islam has reached it, the Muslims remain in peace.

Ryan Nixon says:

Muslims are peacefull religion !

Md Shahbaz says:

In 1910 in Indonesian Buddhist ☸ was 92 % and they converted to Islam and now the Buddhist is 8 % in indonesia and world largest population of muslim in Indonesia nowwww

Aisha Little says:

I know one religion that does not teach love and tolerance!

TEYFO teyfo says:

i respect that speech of peace

Lord of the game says:

He just talks about how all of those religions should be, but in reality it simply is not the truth. "If you are involved in Bloodshed you are no longer a genuine practitioner of Islam" By that logic fucking MOHAMMAD (piss be upon him) himself wouldnt have been a real muslim. He just lives in a made up fantasy world and its sad.

Michael Winata says:

it's not the fault of the religion ,it's the fault of the people who using it for their
own benefits.

CodeBehind says:

It seems Dalai Lama know nothing about Buddhism or Islam. He tries to say all religions in the world give the same message. That is bullshit. It is true as human beings we should respect other people's faiths. If he had read Qur'an and Bukhari he wouldn't say so. He tries to play the nice guy card to the world. I'm a buddhist and I think he should be honest at least for himself.

Prof.Dr.Abbud says:

I agree with master Dalai Lama. Islam comes from salam, peace. And buddhism prays for compassion. Terrorists are criminal, in spite of their so called faith: they do not any , at all.

Amoral says:

Buddha kill categorically for categorical imperatives. Scratch your head stupid.
Tibetan buddhism might be a form of collectivism.
Religion and politic should have been separated.
State should defend peoples individual rights in and out.
Any state couldn't defend peoples individualism then that is not a state to exist.
I believe you never been enlightened.

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