Dalai Lama’s Epic Fail

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Me and Paul McCartney have something to say to the Dalai Lama:
Links and Sources:

Vegans have lower inflammation study:

Longest Living Population Vegetarian Adventists:

Dalai Lama “Tibetan monk, not a vegetarian” Article:

Dalai Lama is Influential in China:

China’s Meat Consumption Article:

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ME 9090 says:

End of the day doesn't matter who you are your never going to please everybody and that is just life

Cour Barone says:

i can say the same thing about many people i know who claim to be spiritual and advocates for peace.
most people are afraid to go vegan simply because of the way we've been brainwashed since birth to do otherwise.
still, before many youtube videos and of course on television, 90 percent of the ads are for meat

tenzin junior says:

Shut the fuck up u don’t know anything bitch go away stop making YouTube videos

Abhinav 766 says:

Dalai Lama is more of a politician than a spiritual guide

stanzin tashi says:

I felt pity for you dude…

Tsering Tsomo says:

I think you are getting a wrong view of the Dalai Lama. Before you point finger to him try to imagine if you are the animals , what do you feel ? can't speak to human please Do Not to kill me!!! Dalai Lama did not said don't eat meat. Try to think of poor animals & try to eat more vegetables ! If you are a devil it much as meat .. but we are human be kind.

pvrdon december says:

Lmaaao okay sooo someone is allowed to be mocked or targeted because they dont follow your lifestyle ?

Monte B says:

Buddhists are encouraged to take what's offered. You can't judge without knowing that. If you want to use Buddhists as an example, remind them that it was tainted meat that killed the Buddha. Yes, he died of food poinsoning.

Tsering Sonam says:

stay with Donald Trump you fucker and stay away from us laurrey kay Baal

Tsering Sonam says:

fucker just go to Tibet and live there for 1 week n you will get to know he is now pure veg

Son Palzom says:

guys, u know y buddha didnt emphasize on meat eater? because he knows dat eating meat is not a big deal if u hav compassion within u. dalai lama to live in dis unenlightened world to liberate beings from samsara is a great deal. n ur comments below r totally baseless. it simply shows ur dislike to the simple monk who is working for ur happiness.

Jaclyn McCosker says:

He also made a grotesque misogynistic comment when asked if the next Dalai Lama could be female.

Tashi Phuntsok says:

Spiritual leader didn't base on Veg/Non veg. In general speaking. Yes, meats are refused in buddhism, but in some case it's allow. My question to you is; You only did little research on eating meat, but why you didn't look and research little more on who led the best whole world's peace…..? If you want to be little honest guy, think beyound what you are saying here. It looks little paradox to some people those who didn't study little deeper buddhism. I think you might be so stupid with full of pride to make little money on youtube. If you think yourself as a truth,honest, and expert. Than, let's come and meet me. I live in New York, My name is Tashi Phuntsok, (sakyatashi21st@gmail.com) we will talk and discuss more on what you talked here. I m not a professor, but studied buddhism 14ys and I m a very sincere practitioner. And yes I am eating meat too. If you really want to meet me, there are still some more paradoxical points. I will teach you all within few days. I m sure you might be astonishing by my truthful discussion and even your life will change towards the positive direction if you do little honest while when we discuss….!

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