Dalai Lama’s Top 10 Rules For Success (@DalaiLama)

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He’s a monk of the Gelug or “Yellow Hat” school of Tibetan Buddhism, the newest of the schools of Tibetan Buddhism.

The 14th and current Dalai Lama is Tenzin Gyatso.

The 14th Dalai Lama received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989.

He’s Dalai Lama and here are his Top 10 Rules for Success.

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1. Help others
He’s considered to be the successor in a line of tulkus who are believed to be incarnations of Avalokiteśvara.

2. Don’t care what others say
The name is a combination of the Mongolic word dalai meaning “ocean” and the Tibetan word བླ་མ་ (bla-ma) meaning “guru, teacher, mentor”.

3. Pay attention to your inner values
From 1642 until the 1950s (except for 1705 to 1750), the Dalai Lamas headed the Tibetan government (or Ganden Phodrang) in Lhasa.

4. Be calm
Despite his humble beginnings, the 14th Dalai Lama had become the joint most popular world leader by 2013.

5. Have compassion
The 14th Dalai Lama was not formally enthroned until 17 November 1950, during the Battle of Chamdo with the People’s Republic of China.

6. Be determined
During the 1959 Tibetan uprising, the Dalai Lama fled to India, where he currently lives as a refugee.

7. Meditate
Despite becoming 80 years old in 2015 he maintains a busy international lectures and teaching schedule.

8. Keep things in perspective
The Dalai Lama’s best known teaching subject is the Kalachakra tantra which, as of 2014, he had conferred a total of 33 times.

9. Develop friendships
On 29 May 2011, the Dalai Lama retired from the Central Tibetan Administration.

10. Share funny stories
The Dalai Lama is the author of numerous books on Buddhism.

Conquer yourself.
Find life’s meaning.
Develop a healthy mind.

tsering choetso:
hi evan thank u so much for ur videos and I hope u can upload of his holinesss the dalai lama and I think people will be inspired in very positive way..

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Thank you for watching – I really appreciated it 🙂



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Sanjeev Kumar says:

hi this peacesfully speech……………………….

14122005maggie says:

Thank you for making series of '' Top 10 Rules For Success'', these really intriguing me a lot!

Karma Lodro says:

Superb compilation Evan. Outstanding<3 The approach he suggests works.

TheGoddessii says:

"there is no such thing as a Muslim terrorist once they start acting in a violet way they are no longer practicing their religion"

Darlene Laski says:

Re: Helping others
"We are here on Earth to help others. What on Earth the others are here for, I do not know."

Sukratu Barve says:

Loved it…..absolutely loved it……

everline obonyo says:

So inspiring

Jaminna Thomas says:

"warm heartedness that's my belief "

Karim David says:

I liked all of them but my favs where 6 and 9. When I heard "Trust depends on openness" this made me smile, as it reminds me of how open I am with my brother from another mother. Thank you Evan for putting this video up! I feel very blessed to have found this channel and to be able to watch this whenever. Although I could just just watch mechanically, I feel like I can feel your energy in all these videos…. so I just wanted to reach out to the heartbeat of the channel 🙂 #BELIEVE

Anita Annie says:

I liked the tip of developing sincere friendships based on trust. If we all could follow that I believe there would be no wars.

Laurie Briscoe says:

lovely video Evan thank you so much! This made a sad woman smile an forget my troubles. I so respect this holy man and his generous spirit is so beautiful. peace to you too brother ❤

katzenwurscht says:

"if you feel inspired, put quotes on it and post it in the comments"

Michael Snow says:

"If you live a compassionate life, then you will feel no regret."

I feel like a lot of people could learn from this. Living for oneself will amount to nothing when that life ends.

james sheehy says:

why is he coming back if he's so good

Yowyuan Chang says:

I want to go to Tibet someday. I had college and neighbour were from Tibet back in my 19 th, and I watched Brad Pitt's movie 7 years in Tibet, since then I want to go to Tibet but I still need lot more savings to buy my flight ticket to Tibet, but I already have some travel guide books about Tibet.

Ngawang Choesang says:

When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.
Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time.
In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past.
Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

Liz Gichora says:

"Pay attention to your inner values"…

Kincho Wangmo says:

Thx for the clip.. am one of HH Dalai lama's follower..🙏🙏🙏

Faravahar r says:

Lama love you forever :]

Ogyen Gyatso says:

Durr he's a slave owner durr

sovann an says:

I really and really love to watch these 10 rules to enhance my mental ability to serve the others and myself especially social work. Thank you very much in deed.

Amy J says:

"Ultimate source of mental health is warmheartedness."

2016 says:

I am a teacher. I often lack advice to the rough teenagers. your effort of collection advice gave me many idea. thank you.

Ee Chuan Seng says:

Dear Sir , Perhaps 2500 years ago there was a great man said to be named as Mr Siddharta perhaps had a realization on the nature of human suffering and he tried to explain and share it to mankind .
… and SAID TO BE there was a quotation in formal Buddhism Text itself that before Mr Siddharta passed away , he was quoted saying that " Let My Teaching Be Your Teacher "…together with another quotation SAID TO BE quote " Believe Nothing No Matter What You Hear Or Read , Even If I Have Said It , Unless It Agrees With Your Own Reason and Common Sense " ……

With these message , is common sense his realization is just like an gossip , a rumors and just a mere information not even to be accepted as a guide for own exploration ….he never recorded saying " Let Your Teacher Teach My Teaching "………so why so many Buddhist monk claimed as Buddhist Teacher teaching Buddhism based on what they know?

But soon after Mr Siddharta’s death and until today , there are millions of people with an ordinary mind , feeding on his information transforming into a knowledge , rituals , practices , creating into various culture / traditions and even benefited from it……..calling themselves to be a Buddhist Teacher / Master with various title and recognition , even claiming to reach a high level of realization …..TEACHING Buddhism itself instead of being just a reporter……… .

Mr Siddharta ‘s explanation perhaps is like a painting on the wall and lets people explore it within themselves without any people trying to be smart and explaining something with their ordinary minds .

Buddhist Teachers had transformed perhaps the greatest discovery of mankind into a factor causing human to continue suffering of confusion for thousands of years and perhaps even thousands more to come …..and now their afford is supported by another group of in formal studies known as Buddhist Scholar.

If Buddhist Organization hold on text that said to be Mr Siddharta words as referral , then NO ONE HAVE THE RIGHT TO TEACH BUDDHISM …..

Mr Siddharta's explanation should be served as just a mere information for own exploration of own existence and now millions of people are taking advantage by teaching it … they became the teacher instead of the "teaching" of Mr Siddharta .

Buddhism perhaps NEVER was a form of Knowledge.…..So HOW COULD ANYONE TEACH IF BUDDHISM IS NOT A FORM OF KNOWLEDGE ?…..

I am deeply concern of the way Buddhism is transforming . This has to be stopped . I have now moved from sharing my personal views into a more challenging role as to start a movement to spread awareness of Buddhism.

This movement is named " AWAKENING TO BUDDHISM" with only one simple objective is to spread awareness to people to explore their nature of own existence WITHOUT any interference from anyone and WITHOUT any referral . Any information even from Mr Siddharta should be accepted as a mere information NOT even as a guide for own exploration WITHOUT any teaching , guidance or explanation from anyone .

No teaching , no rituals , no worshipping , no referral , no guidance . Everyone is equal , Everyone is learning and no one is giving talks or teaching or guiding . Kindly email to undersigned for more information .

One Historian said “ If Buddha come back , He will see all he rejected now his follower put him in that place “.Please do not be part of perhaps greatest misinterpretation of mankind .

We must creates awareness and let people have the chance to explore themselves . What is teach to them is always a knowledge , what is explored perhaps will lead to realization and perhaps that is Mr Siddharta’s wish .

If you are in same mind , PLEASE SHARE THIS as facebook had disabled our account many times. We believe they will do again .
Anyone could start this movement within their capacity holding on a common objective with a common movement brand name .No one is leading this movement . We attribute this noble movement to Mr Siddharta . If you are of same mind , kindly furnish us any update . We are serious and sincere in this movement .
Ee Chuan Seng
Email : 1988csee@gmail.com / fomains@gmail.com

Karimu Pj says:

'help others'

the Healing Artist - dana wallace says:

Funny stories! The storyteller is the greatest healer! For you sat and listened to all his stories that went with each of the ten…and it is the stories that help us resonate and take in the beautiful messages of all these things. THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing this, I truly resonate with it.

VIP-Guitar Lessons says:

Dear Evan, this was the most profound TOP10 ever. If we stick to these rules than humanity will be saved. Thank you and all the best to you, your work and your loved ones. With great respect. Horst Keller / Germany

Scott Jenkins says:

"Luke I am your father"

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