David Hawkins Consciousness And Addiction 1 of 2

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dick tater says:

Dr. Dr. give me the gnus!

Dr. Siracha says:

thanks for uploading bro :')

Ralph Alden says:

Thank you for uploading this. I actually attended seminars with Dr Hawkins in Sedona. Arizona in the late 80's and got to know him a little bit.

He walked the walk and talked the talk!

I have an old VCR tape with this presentation called "Conciousness and Addiction" but don't have a DVD of it. Nice to know I can watch it on YouTube!

I'm AA with 15 years. Thank you Dr Hawkins! You helped me in a tough time in my life and so many others.

Andres Mendoza says:

Thank you so much for uploading this! Information like this is so important to be out on youtube and everything!

fred alastair says:

What I'm about to tell you happened before I watched this talk, as I find it pretty curious because the things that are presented here, mainly around 1:15:00 to 1:22:09 have become very relatable and I figured out It would be a huge waste of experimentation if I don't share it with anyone who also seeks spiritual understanding.

I have accidentally did the method that late Dr. David Hawkins said about in the term of "The great days of LSD".
I was always a spiritual pursuant since my teenage years, and have been meditating, fasting and training my body for years. That time I've already been studying late Dr. Hawkins work through, unimaginably, a dating site. Furthermore his works have captured my whole scope of attention regarding spiritual pursuit.

On to the story, Last year I finally took my first tab, with the intention of 'discovering' this state, and I primarily did this in order to study it and bring it back into everyday life.
A week later, second tab comes. for verification.
Third tab comes, without me knowing. As I pass that as a good judgement by my conciousness.
What I didn't realize that was that earlier on the same day, my perceptions had just shifted from 'being' in the state into -> glorification of the substance itself.
On to go to the sixth tab.

Just like Dr. David Hawkins said, it is very true, I got chills down my spine as it does relate to my experience very very specifically, as I thought I was going crazy.

My life before it plummeted down (maybe because of the steady reclining after the third tab) was very great. I was a very connected, open person, loving, and down to earth. My relationship with women in general also could be termed terrific.

First thing I know that was my old addictions came back steadily. Again I pass this as a good judgement from my conciousness. Literally almost every old specific habits came back after years of self transformation. Old scars came up, which was at some point, was healed and even embraced.

I've became a very closed person, lost all of my friends. almost my family.
I've became very awkward in social sites. I can feel that something is off, about the way I'm being and how I present myself, also the thoughts that run in my head ain't that pretty. I might have had passed shoulder to shoulder with psychosis. As there is 'this' person that I could talk to, in my head. Which at first gave me answers that is reasonable, but more and more it grew ranting and relentlessly disturbing.

Which even more curious is that, my body posture changed into what it was, before years of yoga, meditation and self-forging. Which resulted in an injury (which is how I found out).

It's like re-living through hell where I was in, but this time, very conciously. Just like Dr. Hawkins said, again.

Luckily, Everyday my conciousness state improves and I can see that. I feel that I'm regaining my understanding of the world of what it was.

I've recorded my thought on my journal through the whole process. Ranging from a change of perception of God as 'being' outside the Self unto setting up a concept of relationship between humans and the offsprings. (I almost lost all of the concepts of what it is to become human, it was pretty severe). I didn't take any medication in the process, only through meditation, some physical work, reworking of old relationships, better lifestyle and study.

If anyone finds this interesting, and wants to discuss, I'm open both ears. PM me, as varied inquiries the better because we can use this opportunity to revolutionize our understanding of conciousness.

Thank you


Jake Dygas says:

This is awesome. Thanks you so much 🙂

ProfessorMystic says:

wow, this is a much older lecture. Do you know where it came from and what year it was?

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