#DavidHawkins #Inthepresent #Buddhism
On this essential lecture, “Realizing the Root of Consciousness: Meditative and Contemplative Techniques” Jun 2002 dvd set, Dr. Hawkins discusses the time-honored tradition of the practice of meditation, which he informs us is actually our natural state. Instead of covering the numerous styles of meditation, he delves into the essence of the meditation process itself. He talks about how we can obtain the benefits of meditation without going through formal renunciation, where in the ordinary world this would not be possible. Dr. Hawkins explains two valuable ways of meditating which he experienced himself. He also tells us of the various ways to transcend the mind to become aware of the presence of God.
I choose to ignore the rude remarks here, out of an amazing respect for Dr Hawkins
No music in the background. Bravo! Thanks for uploading! ❤️
'Thought', is just the result of Programs, forming your experience, just a 'STORY', displayed as a 'Holographic Simulation', in a Display Register, of "The Processing System of LIFE"… 'Consciousness', is NOT Fundamental, as it is a 'Function', involving 2 Components; 1/. An Analytical Process, (involving the brain) and 2/. AWARENESS, (LIFE) which is NOT a human component ! "LIFE The Real Self", is Non-Dimensional, and does NOT Represent, nor look anything like any species, including the human species..
I like this.
Release the desire to think
Release the desire to stress
Release the desire to fear
Release the desire to be anywhere but no where the blank space, the heaven of the mind the nothingness, the still.
Release the desire to think
This is excellent. Dr. Hawkins was a genius and ahead of his time.
Gloria in Excelsis Deo! 🙏