David Hawkins Explains on this video, how we can surrender the ego, and blocks that come from reaching enlightenment. interested in this lecture please visit the link below.
I get thanks to our beloved teacher Dr.David Hawkins ❤ Gloria In Excelsis Deo ❤ ❤ ❤
You are missed, Dr. Hawkins..You are a life changer and I love you for all you have contributed to this world. You are helping me stay sane during totally insane times.
This is great stuff! Thank you! I just found out that there are full recorded audio sessions on audible available, much more affordable than other sources https://amzn.to/2DBwcau
Please watch videos by Veritas Pub – there are copyright issues here, this is not original source, thank you!!
Extremely valuable!!! I’m deeply grateful to you for posting this. I haven’r met you, unless you’ve seen the Doc in person in Long Beach, CA, but I really love you.
Letting go is so painful.
Then what you are trying to
let go…comes and goes again.
Thats why is to painful to
surrender absolutely.
merci { thank you }
I love hearing Hawkins here, but the struggle is so damn real. I hate it. Especially when people outright disrespect me and walk away unscathed.
Somehow every thought,experience,emotion mankind ever experienced should be out of your system.It dos'nt matter how ,but this is the only thing that has to be done.But the one that thinks he's doing it ,dos'nt exist.There's just life living itself,there no selfies involved .
I do find a payoff experientially in giving some of that stuff up – and that is in the form of Peace. When you give up your urge to fight back, you just get peace and move on. It's so liberating. It makes you feel lighter. I haven't managed to give it all up, but those moments when I'm successful and nip it in the bud before it gets the better of me (when it gives into the ego), it's a freeing feeling. And it actually feels so much better than sticking around and fighting just to get that momentary buzz of 'being right'.
Don't get me wrong. I suck at it, and fall into ego's trap more often than not.
But it's like golfing or skiing… you get that accidental perfect shot, or you make that accidental perfect carve, and now you know how good it really feels when everything is aligned 'just so'… so now you strive for THAT feeling, and it's always in the back of your mind.
It's a way more powerful buzz.
Awesome!! This man changed my life!
Thanks you Dr David R Hawkins!
I love this guy so much 🥰💙
It is a difficulty I am upset 24/7 , the more I grow the faster and with serious conviction the head ego works against me, and I allow it! I'm sick of it, and from it!
Gloria in Excelsis Deo!
So much conviction in this lecture.