David R Hawkins ~ How To Be One With This Journey

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The reason to let go of selfishness is not because of guilt. Not because it’s a “sin.” Not because it’s “wrong.” All such motivations come from lower consciousness and self-judgment. Rather, the reason to let go of selfishness is simply because it is impractical. It doesn’t work. It’s too costly. It consumes too much energy. It delays the accomplishment of our goals and the realization of our wants. Because of its very nature, the small self is the creator of guilt and its self-perpetuator; that is, out of guilt we strive to accomplish and achieve success. Then, when we achieve success, we feel guilty because we have it. There is no winning of the guilt game. The only solution is to give it up, to let it go.

Hawkins, David. Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender . Veritas Publishing. Kindle Edition.


Atma Vichara says:

Great advice! just what I needed to hear, Thank you.

Bartosz Wojciechowski says:

5:30 what did she say?

PowerOf One says:

5:05 When I studied flat earth and realised something mind blowing………… 🙂

Pedro Zaragoza says:

Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

Ashima Khalid says:

One step at a time, thank you for the video.

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