David R Hawkins ~ How To Deal With Lust

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This is a sample from the 2008 open lectures .
lecture # 3
Belief,Trust and credibility .

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V a l n s k y says:

where was this held? anyone knows?

orlando g says:

what hes saying is to be quick enough to be PRESENT as the lust/image first appears ie if u were Present Enough, u could extinguish it! However if u were NOT Present Enough and it just fired away and drew u into its web very quickly, alls u can do is SURRENDER to the feelings of Intense lust. U were too late , u were not Present enough to transmute it. Surrendering is Being Present with the fact that u were NOT present enough to catch it out. So u just Feel and Watch and Observe and FEEL the intense lust. By doing so, ure expelling the 'addiction' from ur mind/body. As u do this over and over. Like a heroin addict DETOXING the drugs addiction from mind/body. Surrender to the lust and feel it out watching observing feeling it over n over. It may not feel good, and u weren't quick enuff to transmute it to Presence, but by Surrendering u are 'weakening' the addictions Resonance energy wise and entraining neural pathways of Presence/Acceptance in association to the addiction. So u r DETOXING.

Funkyboodah says:

"The energy follows the image." – wow.

Michael Epstein says:

Enlightenment is actually Living Love, Peace, Joy, Goodness, Kindness, Beauty, Creativity, Compassion (Passion for All), Wisdom, Truth, in each and every moment of daily life.

Enlightenment is actually being in Total Communication, Communion, Connection, Relationship with everyone and everything.

Totally Free from stories, experiences, knowledge, images.

Totally Free from fear, anxiety, personal sorrow, hatred, loneliness, inner conflicts, inner contradictions, jealousy, envy, greed, possessiveness, competitiveness, and attachments.

Totally Free from beliefs, philosophies, ideologies, theories, opinions, perspectives, biases, prejudices, nationality, and identifications.

Totally Free from the I, the me, the self, and the so-called True or Higher Self.

Totally Free of thousands of years of past conditioning of the brain.

All of which limit, color, shape & distort Perception, which prevents Lucidity.

They who are Totally Enlightened actually treat everyone, without exception, with the same intensity and quality of care and affection that you would give your dearest closest friend, lover, or child, without any sense of division, separation or distance and without an iota of bias or prejudice, in each and every moment of their daily life.

Cómo Agrandar El Pene says:

I appreciate a lot all of these videos you are uploading. Thankyou.

mothman84 says:

Some of the questions are more horrifying than the answers…

Elizabeth Long says:


Robert Elliot says:

Probably those 30 or so gurus who were scandalized by their own sexual indiscretions (and all the ones who haven't been exposed yet) would have said much the same thing. Isn't lust the reason we're all here? Why is it bad again (in moderation)?

Vision says:

Not a good advice as people cannot just magically extinguish an image, especially one as powerful as male reproductive instincts. If you suppress any emotion, they will just keep coming back stronger and in worse ways.

My advice would be to understand that your lust comes from your misunderstanding of reality.

I'll give you a few examples:

You are sexually attracted to your own conceptualization of the woman you see, not the real woman in front of you.

You are attracted to your own conceptualization of the sex act, not the real act which has an outcome called pregnancy.

You're attracted to your own conceptualization of mutual consent, when in reality she might be playing you for your money or you are committing rape because she didn't consent.

You're attracted to your own conceptualization of reality that having a lot of sex will make you happy, when in reality you will never be satisfied and will always want more and suffer and cause tremendous suffering to others trying to extinguish a fire that is impossible to extinguish by the means of excess.

Instead, try to understand what it really is. Not as you conceptualize it with your own misunderstanding of the world.

Mattias N says:

Good advice. Get rid of the image, which brings me to another point. Can you get a different thumbnail please? Hahahahaha

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