David R Hawkins ~ Stop Looking For Help, You Already Have it

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In the state of acceptance, it is possible to forgive our own past, as well as that of others, and to heal past resentments. It is also possible to see the hidden gift in past events about which we have been resentful—including their possible karmic significance. From this level, it is possible to create a different context from which to view the past and thereby heal it. With the final completion of the level of acceptance, we feel secure about the future and can move on to the levels of love and peace. Reason and logic become tools for the fulfillment of that potential.
Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender. P~167


Falcon Britt says:

What is she saying? the Kisavina? What's that? OH, wait, the Keys of Enoch!?

Mark D'Aquila says:

Those who don't understand the work of David Hawkins are quick to criticize him. He brings a depth and quality of understanding to spirituality and the process of awakening that is easily misunderstood. For those truly interested the book Reality and Subjectivity is a very good place to start.

Thank you Dr. Hawkins.

venus psychic says:

love that man hahahaha

Pedro Zaragoza says:

Absolutely adore Dr. Hawkins. That clarity and love of Truth is delightful. Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

truth has eyes inward says:

Pretty arragant if you ask me. Him putting down different dimentions and other star peoples as if they are not important.this guy is allmost a parasite. He say he calabrates all the earths religions, yet he ignors them as if they are not important. Our roots. WOW


Gotta LOVE Spiritual Truth  🙂 🙂

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