David R. Hawkins – The Luciferic Perversion Of The Third Eye

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Injury to man’s “spiritual eye” has resulted in dimness of moral vision and blindness to truth which afflict eightyfive percent of the earth’s population, who linger below the level of integrity. The great issue that confronts mankind as a whole is the healing of this spiritual blindness. – Power Vs. Force


William Guildner says:

As of 11/23/2017 it is even more true today than when this was made' and when he passed. Even with all of his understanding, I think he would be shocked and dismayed. We are losing our ability to see the truth,or even look for it.

João Fonseca says:

The perfect video to watch in order to comprehend 2017's scenario of the world. Thank you, Doc.

Nicholas Katovsky says:

Which lecture is this from? Thanks

Micho Rizo says:

At the end of this video i was just like wow. Great Man

ProfessorMystic says:

A whole flood of Hawkins' lectures and interviews have emerged in recent years. Some seem better than others. In this one, he comes across really effective and focused, but there are some in which it appears like he is getting senile or confused toward the very end of his life. I'd like to know what year this lecture was given.

Jonathan Brown says:

Telling Truth from falsehood. Very appropriate for the world right now.

dirosaga a says:

It seems as though escaping dualism, this video seems to include a new dualism. But, I think what's less important is being aware of the dualism, and instead being as aware you can of the truth, which inadvertently becomes mostly the awareness of deception, most pertinently your own deception and the ways you may be lying to yourself, especially the subtle deceptions

Pedro Zaragoza says:

Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

blessedandres says:

Wow. 4:30.

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