David Hawkins Explains on this video the satisfaction and how we are constantly feeding the ego positionally, interested in this lecture please visit the link below.
Gloria in Excelsis Deo!
It's always the same the Ego is juicing, and God laughs over it, and says – son it is your own fault, you are still in the wrong identification. Switch it and you are free. You are not the body or even the consciousness – you are the observer. He made it clear to me after a short nap. But before that, he showed my weakness. with a woman that I've been talking to for a few days, the most sensual for me of all. – got you, you can't have her, fool!
Woo!! more vids 😀
Gloria In Excelsis Deo ❤
2:00 min David describes the current state of the Democrats (AOC, Waters, Pelosi etc) in the USA since 2016…
Juice= Secondary Gain…Very powerful thing.